
This is a screen shot of the leaderboard that I can see on the app. I just asked Discord if the leaderboard is available on version 2.0

ok that's a smart thing to do. hey on that list of posts on the good kharma post today, is that the actual number of posts that people are putting out? like the leader is averaging 11 or 12 posts everyday??? How is that possible?

He simply posts a photo.. No words. I am surprised that he won. I have never seen him get an eSteem upvote.

Are you following esteem on Discord? If so you may want to hold off on version 2.0 if you look at issues and help in the Discord Channel there are still a lot of updates that need to be done. It is still very much in the Alpha version. I would give them another week to get things running better. The link to join the Discord is at the bottom of all of my posts yes.

howdy again Melinda....well that guy that just posts the photos..why would you do that? What is the advantage?
I'm not in discord for esteem, don't really have time. I'll give them another week.

He posts one post with over 50 words so that he qualifies for the vote and then just blasts out a bunch of junk posts. The leaderboard win must be his motivation.

Wow Melinda...that sounds like ..I'm not sure what that sounds like. If he wins every week because of it then maybe it's smart. What are the photos like?

I just reported him to some of the other curators to hear what their thoughts are about the guy. The prize is once a month, not week. Taking advantage? Or maybe cheating is the right word. He seldom gets votes or comments on anything so it must be the prize he is after. He needs a closer look.

yes that's right, monthly prize but if he isn't putting any quality posts out then it's taking advantage at least, maybe cheating. Definitely working the system so yeah ya'll should look into it because if it didn't affect others that's one thing but it's not really fair to those who are spending alot of time putting good posts out.

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