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RE: Doc Holliday..His "Career" Continues..

in #history6 years ago

haha! hey they said that's what she went by so I don't know, usually they were very respectful to the ladies so she probably wanted to be called my guess.
so your back was just out of place and now the muscles and everything have to heal up from the soreness or what?


I evidently have 2 bulging disks, and the sciatic nerve was pinched, causing crazy amounts of muscle spasms and numbness in my leg.
All I know is it flippn hurts and my leg feels like it's asleep still, it's like needles all up and down it constantly. The pills make it less painful but it's still annoying, and almost like a constent itch...

sir soon can you get in to see the chiropractor? and do you know a good one?

I do know a real good one, and I have an appointment on the 13th. I've never actually been to one, but he has worked with two of the kids, on injuries over the years. He is also really good with body mechanics, he added a load of power to my daughter's soccer kicks with just some simple lessons and stretches.

oh wow sir coinsandchains that sounds amazing! you'll be in good hands then. and you've done pretty good to not have problems with your back until now, now if you can do exercises to keep it in alignment that would be great.
I've always done such heavy work and lifting that I've been to the chiropractor hundreds of times! lol

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