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RE: Daniel Boone May: An Introduction

in #history6 years ago

hahaha..well angiemitchell most of us have SOMETHING about us that is redneck so just wait, we'll find something eventually that you identify with! lol.

About Daniel Boone though...yes he was great but this man in my post is not the original Daniel Boone, he was just named after him. The man in my post is Daniel Boone May. But you're the 4th person who thought I was talking about the famous Scout and Frontiersman so I will need to clarify that point next time.


I think that I am a little disappointed janton. However, I look forward to hearing more about Daniel Boone May.

Perish the thought janton, a redneck?!? lol

hahaha! "perish the though" lol. well there are some things about us redecks that are very very admirable and good. That's why I call myself a Gentleman Redneck. Some of the best people are smartest people are rednecks but most have quite a few quirks and behaviors which are frowned upon by most of society. lol.

But I may get around to writing about Daniel Boone, I don't know how much accurate information there is about him but if steemit lasts I think I will get to him.

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