4 The Easiest Way of Seed Seeds Seed Papaya CultivationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #history6 years ago

4 Simplest Ways Seed Seed Seed Papaya cultivation - Before planted in the field, papaya plants must be seed in seedling first. Seeding is done on papaya there are two kinds, namely seeding in polybag and seeding on the land. How to sow papaya seeds in polybag and seeding on the ground? To find out more, see the descriptions below.

Seeds Seeds of papaya seeds in

the process of nursery
seed seed papaya in polybag could be an alternative if andad has no land large enough to seed seed papaya in the land. polybag needed was the price is not expensive. how can I seed seed papaya in polybag? way seed seed papaya in polybag aalah as follows.

Ground the soil by digging the soil with a depth of about 25 cm, Sprinkle the manure that has been mature and sterile with a dose seksiar 38 kg, Combine the manure with the soil until me flat After the manure has been mixed with the soil, then nursery soil can be flattened Supaya seedlings will be protected from the heat of the sun and rain, make a roof on the land.

After the land is processed, then the seeds can be seeded on the land. How to sow the seeds of papaya on the land are as follows.

Make a planting hole with size 12 x 12 cm. Insert the seed into the hole, Each hole is inserted about 3 or 4 seeds, Cover back the seeds by using soil
treat the nursery until the move kekantong plastic. transfer to a plastic bag this can be done at the time of seed-old around 60-90 days, plastic bag used must clean and bottom need to be given hole so that there a way out of water.
at the time has aged 42-48 days after the seed moved in a plastic bag then seed can be moved in the garden
planting media planting seeds papaya cultivation before seedlings papaya moved to the land, you should do land management. land management can be done 2 weeks before planting in the field or in the land is done. there are some things to do when process the land. some of the things that of them are as follows. prepare land plant a papaya before mengolahan land, first you would have to prepare the land. land prepared can be as land Moor, land yard or land fields. all types of land can be used for cultivation papaya as long as the land fertile. before used for cultivation papaya, should land cleaned first. cleaning land cover weeds or weeds and trees can interfere growth papaya later. so, there is no longer things to bother growth papaya.
Let the soil that has been given manure for seven days. The purpose of keeping the soil that has been given manure is to keep the manure dry. Manure that has not been dried and directly implanted papaya will cause papaya seedlings to burn because the nature of the fertilizer is hot.
After seven days, manure is then combed with a hoe. The goal is to keep the manure and soil mixed evenly. After mixed evenly, the mixture of manure and soil is then inserted into the planting hole. Allow back the hole for seven days.

After silenced for seven days, then papaya seedlings can be planted in the planting hole, Close papaya seedlings by using the previously disposed of the land first.

Creation of beds on site

Beding can be done before making the planting hole. Making of this bed made with width 2 - 2,5 meter, length adjusted to land, and height 25 cm. Give the distance between the bed with one other bed. The distance that can be given is 65 cm

Calcification of Land to sterilize the soil

The soil whose pH is still lacking must be calcified. For papaya itself requires a soil pH of more than 5. For soils with a pH less than 5 means calcification should be done. Calcification can be given after fertilizer application.

How to do calcification is to give approximately one kg of dolomite, Let the soil that has been given dolomite up to 7-14 days, so little explanation 4 The easiest Way Seeds Seeds Papaya Seeds may be useful and helpful

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