Its a miracle (the quick version)

in #history6 years ago (edited)

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How do you explain something that's never been done? You don't, that's God's job. When walking with The Lord His light shines upon everything. The key is to remember He's just given you a front row seat to one of the most amazing gifts.

It goes like this.

I use to be lost. I was troubled for a number of years. I had fallen into the world. Consumed and poor in spirit I felt something missing. It was that empty void, the feeling we get from something we can't quite put our finger on but its something missing.

I tried to fill the void with everything and nothing could resolve it. Then one day I awoke spiritually. I found there was something else out there, something I couldn't quiet put my finger on. So I went looking to see if I could explain what it was I was experiencing.

The more I dug the deeper it went. I found everything from synchronicity to energy and that led to otherworldly revelations that all equaled up to the spiritual side to life.

We all catch glimpses of it. Some times an innuendo here or there. Other times there's this greater force at work all conspiring to make your life happen in exactly a certain way. I would soon learn it was God.

Now I know many people have trouble talking about religion and God and things beyond their understanding. I use to be one of them, but the more I uncovered, the more I learned about how it all works. I'm talking of the creation.

I discovered super ability, the power of the spirit. I realized I could see the spiritual and the material side at the same time, that's when the extraordinary stuff started. I had visits from otherworldly person (spiritual visitors) Sometimes even angels at other times I would battle demons and fallen angels.

It was this great big story unfolding right before my eyes. I learned to step out of body and then it happened - I stepped through to the other-side of life. I came back almost instantly but I realized there was so much more than this world.

Over ten years of study I traveled so far eventually making my way up to heaven where I me The One who created it all. When I found Him I said, "God you found me." and He said, "No, you, found me." (true story)

We stared working together shortly after, what we've been doing is a really long story, but in the process of getting to know Him again I was offered a great gift. He asked if I would write and be willing to deliver His messages? He asked If I would bring a greater understanding into life. (Would you believe I had to think about it?)

It took about 4 hours before I agreed. In the process I got to go up to heaven a number of times. I saw the first second and third heavens. I also went to see hell. (terrible place) I hope no one ever has to see it.

We also would go on long walks and this one time we went back to the start (of life) See Coldplay - The Scientist. He called me "The Scientist" because I figured out how it works. Plus when you hear that song its like a conversation between us after we came back from the beginning.

Anyhow, on the way back I saw how life became what it is today. We made changes that literally (and I kid you not) changed recorded human history. I get to be part of the revelation of one of God's greatest works.

We've been writing books over the years to deliver this message. Its not been easy. The powers at be are trying to keep us down and oppressed. Its such an awesome journey though, an amazing gift, its no wonder. I think of the encouragement and hope it's going to bring to the world.

I'm hopeful for everyone.
You can make it if you try.

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Always knew I'd be a writer one day too, didn't know I'd be writing for God. (I'm on book #5 co-creating as one) Championing The Truth isn't difficult, you just turn that stuff lose and watch it defend itself. Now living upright faithfully with God in a world that tries to tell you otherwise, now that's a challenge.

The Truth has a way of coming to light. The world pushes it away whenever it's inconvenient.
(ironic don't you think)

People say they want The Truth all the time but disregard God, it doesn't work that way. It's all or nothing with Him. We chose love or we fall into the world. Remember there are always two sides to everything but there's only one Truth, God's.

Where we are in relation to Him determines how we see it. Did you know it's possible to think you're right and still be wrong? (What is God's position on the matter?) If ever you're need of true direction just look up. God doesn't lie, He doesn't mislead and He's never wrong.

If you really want to cut to the chase grab a mirror and have look inside yourself, that's where the real issues are.

Thought it was pretty neat Father God would bless someone like who I use to be. He sure is a giver and a forgiver. I'm truly thankful for Jesus. I think, If God can do what He's done for me, He can do this for everyone.

Its the willingness part so many struggle with.

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