Understanding Joan of Arc

in #history7 years ago (edited)

The Roman Catholic Church, apparently making up with thoroughness for anything which they might lack in celibacy, canonized Joan of arc in 1920. As I have read it, a great deal of research over a very long period of time indicated that Joan had been using military information which she had no earthly way of possessing.

That would make Joan's activities an extremely rare and very late example of what Julian Jaynes referred to as bicameral phenomena. For the most part, that sort of thing had perished from the earth around the time of Zechariah as per Zechariah 13 in which Zechariah admonishes parents to simply kill children who go on attempting to use their minds in the ancient manner which gave rise to oracles and prophets and the like.

ZEC 13:2 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land.

ZEC 13:3 And it shall come to pass, that is, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.

ZEC 13:4 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive:

What we call religion, that is, practices intended to establish communication with the spirit world, did not exist before the flood and the event associated with the tower of Babel. The words 'priest' and 'prophet' do not occur in Genesis prior to the flood. Religious practices involved an assumption that communication with spirits should be difficult; prior to the flood, that simply was not the case. Cain, for instance, does not go to his neighborhood prophet and ask him to enter any sort of a trance state to determine if God might be unhappy with his murder of Abel; God informs him of the problem directly.

Likewise, there is a difference between what the Bible tells us about humans communicating with animals before and after the flood. Prior to the flood, the serpent speaks to Adam and Eve directly; after the flood we read of the Lord "opening the mouth" of the ass to allow him to communicate with Balaam and that has a familiar ring to it. The other place you may have read that term would involve the opening of the mouth ceremonies/rituals which supposedly allowed people to hear the voices of idols. Julian Jaynes discusses that in some detail.

NUM 22:28 And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

Plato, in his dialogue called "The Statesman", includes a somewhat more detailed description of the capability which Antediluvians had to communicate with other animals. This occurs in a discussion between "Young Socrates" and a Sage referred to only as the "Stranger". Notice also that Plato consistently refers to Antediluvians as nursling's or children of Kronos (Saturn), it being understood that the golden/antediluvian age was the age which Ovid and Hesiod describe as that when Kronos was the "King of heaven". In the same language, our present sun is the King of heaven now.

"The reason why the life of man was, as tradition says, spontaneous, is as follows: In those days God himself was their shepherd, and ruled over them, just as man, over them, who is by comparison a divine being, still rules over the lower animals. Under him there were no forms of government or separate possession of women and children; for all men rose again from the earth, having no memory, of the past. And although they had nothing of this sort, the earth gave them fruits in abundance, which grew on trees and shrubs unbidden, and were not planted by the hand of man. And they dwelt naked, and mostly in the open air, for the temperature of their seasons, was mild; and they had no beds, but lay on Soft couches of grass, which grew plentifully out of: the earth. Such was the life of man in the days of Cronos, Socrates; the character of our present life which is said to be under Zeus, you know from your own experience. Can you, and will you, determine which of them you deem the happier?"

Y. Soc. Impossible.

Str. Then shall I determine for you as well as I can?

Y. Soc. By all means.

Str. Suppose that the nurslings of Cronos, having this boundless leisure, and the power of holding intercourse, not only with men, but with the brute creation, had used all these advantages with a view to philosophy, conversing with the brutes as well as with one another, and learning of every nature which was gifted with any special power, and was able to contribute some special experience to the store of wisdom there would be no difficulty in deciding that they would be a thousand times happier than the men of our own day. Or, again, if they had merely eaten and drunk until they were full, and told stories to one another and to the animals-such stories as are now attributed to them-in this case also, as I should imagine, the answer would be easy. But until some satisfactory witness can be found of the love of that age for knowledge and: discussion, we had better let the matter drop, and give the reason why we have unearthed this tale, and then we shall be able to get on.

Antediluvians, according to a great deal of what you find in ancient literature, had some sort of a boundless capability to communicate not only with each other, but with God, with other spirits, and with other kinds of animals in the bargain. In the age after the fall of the tower, there were a number of practices meant to communicate with spirits; these included oracles, prophecy, witchcraft (familiar spirits), the worship of idols, and pure electrostatic devices including the pyramids with their Golden tops and the so-called "ark of the covenant" which was basically a primitive capacitor. All of those things involved trance states similar to hypnosis, all involved static electricity, all involved (as Julian Jaynes describes) the use of a part of the human brain which is no longer used, and all of those things stopped working, other than in the very rarest of cases, before the time of Alexander.

As to the question of static electricity being involved, when you have Julian Jaynes and Al DeGrazia describing the same phenomena as bicameral (Jaynes) and electrostatic (DeGrazia/Crossthwaite), then you should not need to be Nikola Tesla to put two and two together and understand that the electrostatic phenomena were enabling the bicameral phenomena. Again in all but the very rarest of cases, when the ancient electrostatic surface charges finally collapsed, those kinds of phenomena generally vanished from the earth.

http://bearfabrique.org/History/degrazia.html (electrostatic phenomena and ancient religion)

Thus, Joan of arc with her voices was a kind of a throwback to a very ancient kind of thing which, for the most part, no longer exists in our present world. But, even in Joan's case, whatever she was doing ultimately ceased being reliable or trustworthy.




Oscar Wilde : Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.

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