Today in History: "Bambi" is released

in #history5 years ago

If you have never seen this film or at least some adaptation of it , well, you are missing out on a huge part of history and I think, life in general.

The year was 1942 and seriously; you can skip all the other crap i talk about.. This is important.


Bambi is something that can, should, and does have an impact on every living person on the planet. It is just an outstanding film It was only Disney's 5th full-length film at it was also released during world war 2... i mean come on! How much more incredible does something have to be before you will take the time to see it?


This movie has been re-released in 1947, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1982, and 1988 and wasn't even made available for at-home ownership (via VHS and later DVD) until 1989. Good timing on their part if you ask me.

This film needs no introduction and is one of the most tragic and wonderful animated-films of all time. Today is a special day indeed.

Here's the short.

This is one of the most amazing animated anything that has ever been created and even if you don't care about such things you really aught to see it. The way in which things were made in the 40's was obviously different from now but there is no denying that they did this very very well.

This is a very cherished part of my childhood and even though it was a long time ago (long before I was born) it was very special when i was a kid, when i was a teenager, and when i was an adult. I am quite certain it will be special once I am no longer alive. This thing is timeless, and just such an amazing part of history.


One of the things I find so incredible about Bambi is that it was made back when everything was done by hand.

Doing it now-a-days with the assistance of computers and a lot of the tools that have come out since then would be difficult, but it must have taken so much tremendous work from so many people to get Bambi right.

yes indeed. I think if we were to dig into the history of the making of Bambi ... the fact that 4 MONTHS were spent simply researching the movements of deer by the animators, kind of say a lot about how much went into this movie.

It's a shame that nowadays the commercial cycle is so competitive that people don't take as long as they used to. Having films and games that are on a fixed timeframe instead of letting the creators have more agency is going to make it difficult to let people do what they really could to make the best possible stories.

Bambi is probably the most dramatic Disney film of my childhood and I love it.

This film was a big part of my childhood! I cried so bad every time that his mom die, I love that film thank you for that post! it makes me feel like that little kid on from off the tv again

Withouta doubt marked generations, 100000 kids cried when the mama died 😞

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Bambi was a scary movie for me when I was a kid. It is an emotional deep story. Nice post!!!!!!

I couldn't tell you the last time I saw this movie. I know I have seen it several though. I can really only remember bits and pieces of it. There are a couple of scenes that really stand out to me. Specifically when Bambi first meets Thumper. Very intersting info!

I loved to look Bambi when I was a child. Its surprising that Bambi is still on the screen.

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