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RE: Captured By The Apache: The Raiding Party Ends In Disaster

in #history5 years ago

Those Texas Rangers had to know when they started that job that their day was coming. Was it that they were so entrenched in the Wild West lifestyle that it was an honorary death to go out like that? Maybe they were such rugged humans that they didn't fit in society elsewhere anyway. I think I know some folks like that nowadays :)


Howdy tonight ginnyannette! Well like any elite force whether law enforcement or military there are certain men that those professions attract. Most of them are addicted to adrenaline in my experience but there are other factors like wanting to serve in a greater cause.

For instance, I haven't studied them but I know that after Texas got her independence there were still tons of Mexican bandits and Indian raids going on and with vast areas with no government protection the Rangers were organized to go after outlaws, cattle rustlers, Indian and Mexican raiders and then later they became strictly law enforcement and an official branch like sheriff departments.
So unless there was an army post nearby they were the only semblance of law or help for farmers and ranchers for a time, don't know how long. probably 20 or 30 years is my guess.
But many characters I write about would definitely NOT fit in society. lol. I don't either so I can relate!
I got a 9mm pistol in my back pocket right now, that's not normal for society.

I totally think that is normal society for Texas ;)

It makes sense that the adrenaline rush opportunity draws a certain type of people. Now days there seem like much better odds though, so that they can get their kicks without actually dying. The law enforcement in my area don't have to deal with life threatening situations too often I don't think. And of course they also have bullet proof vest, better organization, etc. But I suppose that was just the way the times were though - everything in life must have been more crude and/or violent in that era, and therefore more of a normality. Teachers got to whip their pupils, after all :)

It certainly made sense for anyone seeking to make a change in the world. I never really heard about Texas Rangers other than "Walker, Texas Ranger," which was a show I hated as a kid.

haha! you hated Walker, Texas Ranger? why? lol. I did too by the way. lol.
well yeah nowdays with the communication and logistics in place for law enforcement and the numbers available to come on a second's notice..totally different.

Life out West was more crude and violent AT TIMES but not in the cities. You'd be fine as long as you stayed East of the Mississippi. lol.

by the way, I don't always take a gun with me late at night when I take Jack out at 2am (but I should.) I was especially careful tonight because at dusk I saw a big coyote cross over our yard and go into some trees and at night Jack always goes along those trees and last night we heard a bunch of them howling right on the other side of those trees just a few yards from our house so other words they ain't gettin to Jack. They'd have to come through me first and they wouldn't fare too well in that attempt. He'd be fine on his own one on one but packs of em have been killing dogs around here lately.

That's so upsetting. I'd hate to have to worry about my dogs' safety after dark. Mine run out into the woods frequently to bark at some raccoon or deer that they think has trespassed. God willing we won't end up with any coyotes here. That is sweet of you to be so watchful over him.

Well, it's not upsetting to me because I take him on a leash the first trip of the night and then later I just go out with him into the yard and it's fenced in with a 5 ft iron fence so he's safe there so it's no problem. The coyotes didn't become a problem until they started interbreeding with wild dogs and then they lost their fear of man. Last summer Mrs. J saw a huge coyote in one of our lawns that was white with black spots! But was a coyote in every way as far as form, just alot bigger and that's the type of thing that gets me to be on alert.

Coyotes are silent attackers too. You don't hear them until they're on you. so I have a big spotlight that I'm constantly surveying with as Jack is looking down smelling everything. lol. he'd never see them coming.

so you guys just let your dogs out at night and they go into the woods to go to the bathroom? lol.

Interesting. I never thought of them interbreeding. We don't really have wild dogs here though.

Yeah, mine are free to roam at night. They don't go far and come when called. No real danger here, other than them pissing off the neighbors across the creek from barking at a raccoon at midnight :)

haha! well that sounds fairly mild. I'd think they could keep the racoons away with their barking so the neighbors should be thankful.

From what I remember of Walker (we haven't had cable in close to 10 years) was that the show was always corny. Corny music. Corny everything. Humorously, Chuck Norris kind of reminds me of my father-in-law. Same build, same kind of face structure. And he is a black belt in karate, although I don't think he has done any of it in years.

haha! you got that right, 100% corny! But good for kids to watch, I think it had some good moral lessons, at least that's what I heard.

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