Amazing pictures Chinese from the book of Athanasius Kircher "Chinese writing...." 1667.

in #history7 years ago

In his post the theory of Athanasius Kircher.Shallow world, magnetism and Egipet I mentioned about the journey of the researcher.

One of the most interesting is undoubtedly the trip to China, which he described in 1667, in his book "China monumentis: qua sacris quà profanis, nec non variis naturae et artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata" (Chinese writing... for laymen ...illustrated).


Kircher owned the Chinese language and willingly went on a trip to China.
The illustrations are quite interesting.

Firstly on the main page we see the map which mentions "Tartarus"


The symbol of the Jesuits naturally occupies a Central place.
Inexplicably drawn fragments of antique buildings with columns. And the Chinese holding a map with some sort of Greek facial profile.

The book is a fairly detailed map of China at that time.


True-there's a state called "Imperium Sinicum". What "sinicum" I can't say.
In the lower right corner of the card sit two ruler. One is very similar to the Russian Tsar. Why is he depicted here?

Image of the locals surprised me.


It is the Chinese?

I am surprised by the bust of the God (or ruler).


This illustration shows women of the Kingdom "Cain" (I don't know what this Kingdom).


First, you can decide what is Europe. But in the background are traditional Chinese buildings.
Who inhabited these lands in those days?

Here's another image of the Chinese.


Can not get past the figure of three men.


The man on the left marked as "tartarin North." Here such saw "tartarin" Kircher.

This figure depicts a Chinese astrologer.


To finish the post I want a picture which shows the Emperor of China at that time.


Personally I think it is not usual for China images of people from the book Kircher.

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