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RE: From a Trail of Tears to A River of Sadness - History Tends to Repeat Itself - [history][today]

in #history6 years ago

A lot of the horror stories about Columbus may be entirely fabricated, the fake news industry of his time had targeted Columbus pretty hard.

The hundreds if not thousands of different native tribes who lived in North America had done so for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Europeans, but none had experienced the voracious greed and fervor of religious capitalism.

This is also a myth, a progressive myth called "The Myth of the Noble Savage" the natives constantly fought wars with each other and engaged in slavery, in fact they took Europeans as slaves. The survivors of Roanoke were all taken as slaves and worked to death by the native Americans pounding copper. The first white guy to own a black slave in Texas was himself enslaved by native Americans.

The Mesoamerican cultures were already in decline when the Conquistadors arrived.


Well, we know that the Catholics were definitely capable of such atrocities unless acts like the Spanish Inquisition also didn't happen? Since history shows that much of Europe was ruled through brutal force, one can conclude that such atrocities were in fact committed by the Europeans as they arrived to the Americas.
Yes the Natives warred amongst each other but nothing like what was perpetrated against them by the Europeans. The Natives had their rules and boundaries both within their tribes as well as amongst others. Life was not perfect but they lived with the land for hundreds if not thousands of years in a fairly harmonious manner.
And yes there were many individuals as well as tribes that were noble. Honor was very important in many if not all tribes, as well as respect for Elders, for family, for the land and even for friends, as the Pilgrims can attest.
The Myth you speak of was a typecast of the 18th century referring to all indigenous people of the world. In those days "Noble Savage" more or less translated to innocent wild man. One who doesn't know any better. It was also sometimes used as a social commentary against Europeans as well as to protect the indigenous through this characterization.
As for Roanoke, the history is that no one knows what happened to them not even the first European born in Jamestown, Virginia Dare. John Smith attempted to locate or at least learn of their fate in 1607, while the story of being enslaved came out in 1612. They were most likely killed by the Natives.
The Mesoamerican cultures had seen better days, but they could have been in a plateau rather than decline. The Conquistadors definitely put the Natives into a quick spiral down though.

no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Woodcuts are not photographs. Did you ever wonder why someone would go so far as to make such a woodcut? obviously the idea was to make Columbus look bad right? Seems like evidence he was a controversial figure who some people didn't like in his own time, fake news is not new. These stories have been revived to serve modern anti-European narratives.

"Yes the Natives warred amongst each other but nothing like what was perpetrated against them by the Europeans. "

That's funny, have you not seen Apacalypto?

I don't recall the network but one of these history channel type shows presented pretty convincing evidence that all of those who they didn't slaughter, not very many, were taken as captives and forced to pound copper and they even found an Indian copper mine in the location the sources they had uncovered suggested they were worked to death.

Columbus and the Pilgrims were incredibly badass, Columbus is probably the most important individual organism in the history of the Earth and one of the most important in human history. Consider the organisms exchanged in the Columbian exchange, yes he was probably a sociopath, he took some slaves as was the custom among all people on earth at the time, there is no credible evidence of his more fantastic atrocities.

At the time everyone practiced slavery, there were few fossil fuels available. In the new world they didn't even have really have animal power so they probably relied even more on slave labor. Native Americans may not have liked smallpox but they did like horses and steel didn't they?

Historical evidence points to the Europeans literally raping and pillaging to the near point of nearly annihilating Native Americans, similar to what happened to the American Bison....or that's fake news too?

A wall of bison skulls
Sometimes seeing is believing, and sometimes it still isn't enough for some!

I also don't base my understanding of a whole continent full of different Native American Tribes based on one Blockbuster Movie as Hollywood would. Or did I mean to say "Would Not" you know a double negative because well I am tough on "hollywood"......hahhahahaha.....had to throw that in there.

There is a rock that was found in 1937 that claims to explain what happened to the Roanoke people, but the rock was "found" under dubious conditions. And the History show you speak of included two brothers who hunt for, get this, Giant Nephilim but when that doesn't work out become Roanoke archeologist. They found nothing at Roanoke but more questions.
Columbus was lost and got lucky when he found land.... thus naming non-indians Indians. He was also avaricious, as evidenced by his act of claiming to be the VERY FIRST to see land. You really believe the Captain of his own ship would be posted looking out at the endless sea waiting for first site of land. Of course not, he would have one of his men posted, and then when they found land, Columbus would just say it was him and receive the Kings reward for being the first to spot land. Not very righteous, team friendly or bad ass. Erik the Red and Leif Erikson, now they were bad ass!
I would consider Neil Armstrong for the title of most important person in Human History but since I don't believe NASA really went to the Moon, I then look to Martin Luther King as one of the greatest. An imperfect human being, but one who did not let even death stop him.
And I bet if we could go back in time and ask the Natives what they preferred, horses and steel or their original lives back.... I KNOW they would all have given up Western goods for their simple traditional lives, as imperfect as they were. Murder, war, rape and loss of your ancestral lands traded for Western goods and a Western lifestyle? I don't think so.

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