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RE: Mystery History Pt5 - UFO's in Religious Artwork.

in #history7 years ago

ALL .. FREE(que-N)SEE'S .. are connected ? - )
.. right ?? - ))

= OUR entire L(if)E EXPerieNCE .. sensing VIBRATIONS - )))

SO .. although OUR 'senses' are limited by deFAULT ...
.. t'HERE "MUST BE" .. a WAY .. to interpret them ALL - ))
and .. TO(GET)H_ER-E !!! - )))
ha ha - )))

The english lan-guage .. is a very SIMPLE TOOL - ))
.. with IN(f)in(i)TE .. LEVER-AGE - )))

see: .. (S)word(S) & (S)pell(S) - ))))
.. CO(MB)inED with (in)TEN(ti)ON = LIMIT-LESS - )))))))

My exp(ERIE)nce .. has lead to .. k'NOW .. NOW - ))
= ALL_w_AYS "NOW" .. all-W-ays "CHANGING" !! - ))
((see: daily morning meditation for 20 minutes - ))
= just "feeling" NOW .. without labels, nor conditions - ))

.. H(one)ST - ))))))))))))))))))

T_i'mE .. is a HuMaN made "LA(n)GUAGE" .. deSCRIBING "change" - ))
.. not a 'bad thing' .. but, absolutely a "limiting F(act)OR" - )))

So .. i'm jUSt .. s(PEAK-in)g .. 'my' CLARITY - ))
ha ha - )))

.. thanks for the reply !! - ))

IT's a 'RARE' few .. who don't simply .. laugh ?? - ((
and .. fewer still .. who'm offer "appreciation" - )))

.. thanks for the reply - )))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

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