Ancient Wisdom: The Cycle of Life

in #history8 years ago (edited)


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     What in the world is going on here?  

 Do you ever look into the night sky and think “DAMN. That’s wild”? Of course you don’t! Because if you are anything like me, you probably got distracted by an LED screen before you could make it out the door (Fallout 3 is pretty wild too, I suppose). 

Thankfully, civilizations of the past studied the movements of the sky with great precision and detail. What’s even more? They revolved their entire lives around the movements of the planets! Some fasted on full moons. Some performed huge ceremonies when certain alignments would occur. Even the placement of the Great Pyramids of Giza are in direct correlation with the Orion’s Belt constellation! In a sense, they were connected to the sky (I think we would be too if we didn’t have all of these fancy gadgets blinding our perceptions). So, what’s going on here? It seems like modern society is missing something… 

  In a world where we have become so disconnected from the natural phenomena around us: I think it is imperative to take a step back, and focus our lenses on the wisdom of these past civilizations! Follow me on this epic journey into the wisdom of the ancient world!  

  The Great Yuga Cycle  

  History seems to repeat itself, could the answer be in the stars?  

 Now, before you shirk me off as some sort of “nutty” professor. Let me introduce you to an interesting concept… 

 In India, it isn’t uncommon to hear about “The Yuga cycle”. The what cycle??? The Yuga cycle is a 24,000-year cycle that depicts the rise and fall of human consciousness and the correlating affects that it has on civilization as a whole. There is a 12,000 year ascending period, in which collective consciousness is rising. Then, a 12,000 year descending period in which collective consciousness is falling. 

These periods are split into 8 “ages”. I want to explain to you the core ideas behind these ages and help you understand by providing some examples. (Now, keep in mind these ages represent humanity as a whole. There are small numbers of individuals who contradict this concept on both sides of the spectrum) 

  The Dark Age (Material Age)  

  This age could be coined as the age of materialism. In this age, humanity is struck with limited awareness. The platform of consciousness is locked away in a basement and only a few people have the key to get in.   

  Most previous example (700BC-1700AD)  

  The vast majority of people who existed in this period were peasant workers, slaves, soldiers, and “tenders” to the powers that be.  Life expectancy was short and the world was a cruel and unforgiving place. Disease plagued the land and few had access to wealth. People passively accepted their own (usually mundane) circumstance. At the peak of this period: the collective wealth of humanities knowledge was being destroyed through the pillaging of libraries throughout the world.  

  The Bronze Age (Energy Age)  

  This age could be considered as the age in which the subtle energies of the universe come to the forefront of human knowledge. The access to consciousness is heightened to say… The main floor of the house, and the whole family has the key.  

  Example (1700AD-Present day)  

  I don’t think I need to do much explaining for you to agree that this is in fact, the age of energy. You are reading this on a fricken computer....

 Anyways, what advancements have we seen in the last few hundred years in terms of energy progression? 

Well, there was the industrial revolution starting in about 1760AD where we started harnessing the power of steam (steam, not Steemit!). This created large scale manufacturing, railways, and large scale agriculture.

 We are beginning to understand the laws of energy i.e. nuclear physics, quantum physics, gravity, astrophysics. Which has led to inventions such as high speed superconductor trains, electric vehicles, solar power, computers, spacecraft… and we still have 2000 more years in this age! 



*The other 2 ages are going to be a little more difficult to explain because the previous examples of them have been largely destroyed by deterioration throughout the years. Some examples still remain however. I’m going to try to explain what these ages have previously looked like, as well as speculate on what it may be like. Strap in!  

  The Silver Age (Mental Age)  

  This could be considered as the age in which the subtle energies of human thought come to the forefront of society. The access to consciousness is moved out onto the front porch and the whole neighborhood has the key.   

  Most recent example (6700BC-3100BC)  

  This would be an age where people intuitively understand each other without even needing to say anything. 

Something that I find very interesting, is that the earliest known written language (language meaning: a specific word, means a specific thing) is dated to “around” 3200BC (the beginning of the last bronze age) in Mesoamerica. Previous to this, there were paintings and abstract symbols that could have represented a broad array of different things. 

This is curious… This could mean that before the invention of written language, people communicated more through intuition and guided each others thoughts with symbols. WOAHHHH. Heavy.

This would be a time where selected leaders would be truly moral, because if they had ill intentions, they would be too difficult to hide. This means that people would spend more time cultivating the positive aspects of themselves. 

Sounds beautiful to me.  

  The Golden Age (Age of Enlightenment)  

  This could be considered as the age when the pure essence of life is readily comprehended by anyone. Sign me the fuck up! The access to consciousness bursts out of the porch and envelopes the world. The key gets locked away in the basement. You don’t need it anymore.  

  Most recent example (16300BC-6700BC)  

  The cool thing is, this is the longest age. The uncool thing? We’re not in it. 

So, what are some things that could be expected at a time like this? Well, if you are familiar with the incredible Graham Hancock. He outlines the case: A majority of the mysterious ancient structures i.e. the Pyramids of Giza, Angkor Wat, Easter Island, Gobekli Tepe, were actually built around 10500BC...“Dude, that’s the height of the golden age!” 

Not only that, but these structures are strategically placed in a way that aligns perfectly with constellations during this time period. Now, we know there had to be some magical shit going on back then. We don’t even know how they built the Pyramids!! We are building the Large Hadron Collider and Fusion Reactors (essentially a small sun, on earth), but we can’t figure out how these dudes’ got some rocks in place. We HAVE to be missing something. I think they may have had access to a higher frequency of essential knowledge than is currently knocking at our door.   

  Well that all sounds fairly insane, why would you think that? What dictates the fluctuation of this 24,000 year cycle anyways?

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 This is the Yuga cycle charted

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This is the orbit of our sun, and our sister sun "Sirius"

Whats the big idea!?

So what do we notice about these two charts? Well, when these two stars are closest together, we have a golden age! When they are furthest apart, a dark age! How interesting is that?! The closer we are to our sister sun, the more tuned in we become to the subtler frequencies of human consciousness!

This is the power of the universe. I think this is incredible. 

In the west, we tend to look at history from a linear perspective. If this information is in fact correct, that means the entire history of the world needs to be re-evaluated. To me, this is exciting information.

I think it's time we give these ancient ideas a harder look...

Imagine what other mysteries lurk about in the sky!


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