Some book written on the Ottoman empire in Bengali

in #history6 years ago


Many Facebook friends and groups of honorable members inbox and commented to me at different times ask me if there is any book written on the Ottoman empire in Bengali?

Several times we have referenced our various books. From today's learning and reading, we have brought many wonderful and beautiful books written in front of the Ottoman Empire in front of you. Hope you enjoy books, even though I did not read all the books here.

  1. Searching for Turkey in Turkey - Author Abu Taher Misbah Saheb
  2. Sultan's story-writer Facebook friend Tamim Raihan
  3. Euphrates eagle - writer Abdur Rahim Tarpatashi (Facebook name kutayaba Ahsan)
  4. The Admiral-Writer Facebook Friend Salahuddin Jahangir
  5. The author of the Ottoman Empire, Aulul Haq Kasami and the goldsmith writer
  6. Sanjak-e-Usman-writer Prince Muhammad Sajal

I hope that these books read the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and how they ruled this world for a long time as the single power.

From among these books, I am just presenting you in the light of the book's brief review #Jugantan_Strategy in Turkey in search of Turkey-
In Turkey, in search of Turkish

The reader is the author's wealth of joy. Both sides are tied in a divine bond. As a result, the writer's account of the reader is considered. In some cases, sharing feelings, the writer always writes for himself; But in this case, it can be absolutely exceptional that the author of the Islamic ideology Abu Taher Misbahan For a reader, who has been silent after ages, for a reader. His immense travelogue 'The quest for Turkey in Turkey' first came to my attention in the book. If a person feels excited, a writer is not only able to share all his feelings with the reader, but the reader becomes eager to learn how he can perceive the feeling - if the book is not read, it can not be felt. For example, in a new kind of sweet meal in Turkey, she has written a heartfelt conversation that says, 'Dear reader, yes, what can you feel?', To ask her taste, scent reader.

The question can arise, but is the author trying to continue the book with only his readers? The issue is not the same. In a way, the writers, in the words of the three-decade-old hands, as heart-shaped as the Istanbul campaign exposed thousands of years ago, are fluent in one word. Not only that, the reading of the history books can be even more interesting than the shocking novel, before it can be read, it might be like giving up, before reading the book, 'Looking for Turkish in Turkey' was not such a concept in me.

In addition to Nazrul-Farrukh, the book will find the unique skills of Arabic, Persian and Urdu words in the book. Apart from the vaccine it will be an extra effort to inform the reader about the meaning of the reader. While traveling in Turkey, there have been some issues related to the journey of Holy Ka'ba Sharif in this book. Allama Taki Usmani and other travel story writers style. There are various topics in teaching the subject matter and especially the rules and regulations of travel writing writers who have engrossed in Arabic literature and child literature.

In the book, the writer has given a complete description of the Turkic rule of about seventy-five years, as well as the contemporary topics such as what contributed to the Turkish sultan, who contributed more, who has done more harm, these details. In the book, the regret has not been able to do anything despite the sultan's reluctance to pay for Israel's illegitimate Israel state. In the past, the golden era of Turkey, the present government's various efforts and dreams of devotion are also portrayed. But the most vivid representation of the book is that the young Turkish hero, the eighth Turkish sultan, is the city of Istanbul, the city of Istanbul, the son of the 22 year old king of the Byzantine Empire, the spread of the Muslim empire, the chain of water under the sea, and the obstacles in the movement of ships broken by the sea Military equipment, army boats did not have a big tree trunk To the wonderful campaign. English historians have also described them as 'Mirakal'. The authors have appeared before these readers. In today's Istanbul, Constantinople in English and Kustunatunia in Arabic, he has mentioned the hadith of the good news of the good news of the victory for the Qustanatia warrior.

Before reading the book that will be swallowed by goblins, it will be very painful for me to read any reader. So why are you late? We can also learn about the lost Turkish (Ottoman or Ottoman) caliphate, the writer-reader's feelings, and many more to learn 'To find Turkish in Turkey'. The price of the book printed on 307 pages is only 150 rupees.



apnake dhonobad , ai sundor post korar jonno, Akhantheke onnek kisu jante parlam, abong ai book guli songroho korar chesta korbo...

Thanks for ur Nice Post @firozdiu

Welcome @iroz

amader sokoler-e amader itihas jana dorkar, best of luck

Obossoi,,,, amra amader oitijjo janlei too ta firiye ana somvob

apni tik bolechen

দুই শিকারী বক ও ফরমালিন
এক বক একদিন শিকার করতে নদীতে, জলাধারে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছে। কোথাও কোন শিকার না পেয়ে খুব মন খারাপ করে বাড়ির দিকে ফিরছে। এমন সময় প্রতিবেশী এক বকের সাথে তার দেখা। প্রতিবেশী বক এক ঝুড়ি মাছ নিয়ে যাচ্ছে দেখে প্রথম বক বলল , “ভাই তুমি এত মাছ কই পেলে?” তখন উত্তরে প্রতিবেশী বক দাঁত কেলিয়ে হেসে বলল ‘মাছের বাজার থেকে কম দামে কিনে আনলাম’। প্রথম বক খুব অবাক হল এই ভেবে যে বক নিজেই যেখানে মাছ ধরতে পারে সে বাজার থেকে সস্তায় মাছ কিনে আনল তাও এত্তগুলো। এই ভাবতে ভাবতে সে বাড়ি ফিরে আসল। নিজেও ক্ষুধার্ত এবং তার একটা সন্তান ছিল সেটাও কতক্ষণ চেঁচাতে চেঁচাতে ঘুমিয়ে পড়ল। পরের দিন সকালে বকটি ঘুম থেকে উঠে যথারীতি মাছ ধরতে গেল। যাওয়ার পথে হট্টগোল শুনে এগিয়ে গিয়ে দেখল গতকাল যে বকটি ঝুড়ি ভর্তি মাছ নিয়ে বাড়ি গিয়েছিল সে মারা গেছে আর তার পরিবারের সবাই অসুস্থ হয়ে মৃতপ্রায়। দেখে বকটি খুব ঘাবড়ে গেল। পাশেই একজন কানা বকের নানা ছিল। সে তাকে জিজ্ঞেস করায় বকটি বলল ‘সস্তায় ফরমালিন যুক্ত মাছ কিনে এ অবস্থা।’ বকটি এ কথা শুনে নিজের ও তার পরিবারের জন্য সৃষ্টিকর্তার কাছে শুকরিয়া আদায় করল। শিক্ষা: নিজের যোগ্যতায় অর্জন না করে সহজলভ্য উপায়ে অতিরিক্ত আয় করা আর নিজের ভবিষ্যত নষ্ট করা একই কথা।

kar sathe ki , panta vate gie

dekhen , ki r kora



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