Ancient symbols

in #history8 years ago

Symbols and charms of Ancient Egypt!What is fraught with these ancient relics?Egyptians have a lot of different symbols, a look at some of them...


Ankh is one of the most important ancient Egyptian characters with a value of "life" ( "immortality"), also known as the "crux Ansat". The sign is very simple, but powerful.
In it the two characters are combined - the cross as a symbol of life, and the circle as a symbol of eternity. The combination represents immortality.
Ankh can be interpreted as the rising sun, as the unity of male and female (oval Isis and Osiris Cross), as well as the key to the esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.
In hieroglyphic writing this sign symbolizes "life"; He also was part of the word "welfare" and "happiness." The Egyptians believed that the ankh image prolongs life on earth. With the same amulet and buried to make sure that the dead waiting for life in another world. It is a form on the ideas of the ancient world, having the key, which could open the gates of death.
This symbol is also placed on the walls of water channels in the hope that it will save from the floods. Later, the ankh was used in rituals of witches, fortunetelling, divination, healing and assistance to women in labor. In the days of the hippie movement in the late 60-ies of XX century, the ankh was a popular symbol of peace and truth.
All values ​​of character is impossible to enumerate. The sign of happiness, well-being, inexhaustible vitality, eternal wisdom, and so on.

All-Seeing Eye - Eye of Horus.

Painted eyes image with a spiral line under it - is, as a rule, emblem sokologolovogo sky god Horus, a symbol of all-seeing eye and the space of unity, integrity of creation. According to ancient Egyptian myth, the moon eye of Horus was torn by Seth in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after the victory in this battle Horus rose again. This myth has led to extreme popularity of the Eye of Horus as a diverter evil amulet. Eye also frequently depicted on Egyptian or carved tombstones - to help the dead in the afterlife. Spiral eye (which resembles a form of galaxies) represents the energy and perpetual motion.
Eye of Horus was also associated with healing since ancient Egyptian doctors often considered a disease as an analogue of the battle Horus and Seth.
In mathematics, the Eye had a curious feature - it was used to refer to fractions. According to one version of the myth, Seth cut the torn eye of Horus to 64 parts, so its partial image represents a certain fractional number: pupil - 1/4, 1/8, etc. eyebrow.


Scarab - one of the most popular Egyptian symbols. It is known that dung beetles, which include and scarab, able to skillfully sculpt dung balls, rolling them in front of him. This habit, in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, the scarab likened to the sun god Ra (ball of dung in the allegory - an analogue of the solar disk moving across the sky).
The scarab was considered in Ancient Egypt being sacred; figures of this beetle, made of stone or glazed clay served seals, medals and talismans, meaning immortality. These amulets were not only living but also the dead. In the latter case, the beetle was placed in a sarcophagus or mummy inside - the place of the heart, while on the back, the smooth side of his writing sacred texts (often - the thirtieth chapter of the book of the dead, urging the heart not to testify against late to the underworld of Osiris court). Often figures scarab represented only the upper part of the beetle, without legs, and flat oval base figurines used for the application of various kinds of labels - from individual names and aphorisms moralizing character to the whole story about the outstanding events of the pharaohs of life (hunting, the conclusion of marriage, etc.).


This emblem in the form of an oval with a straight line at the end is often called a cartouche. Inside is written in hieroglyphs name (for example, the name of the Pharaoh), which symbolically protects the oval.

Winged sun disk.

According to the myth is a form adopted Gore during a battle with the evil god Seth. On both sides of the disk image is a snake, meaning the balance of opposing forces. The whole composition symbolizes protection and international harmony.
This symbol was often depicted above the entrance to the tomb of Pharaoh; In this case, the disc in the center symbolized Horus Wings - Isis protects him, and the snake - Lower and Upper Egypt.


Lotus flower, sun sign, creativity and renewal. Due to the fact that at night the lotus flower closes and overlooked the water, and in the morning again rises to dissolve on the surface, and there was this association. One of the cosmogonic myth has it that in the early times of chaos waters rose giant lotus, from which the first day of existence of the world the sun came out.
Lotus flower is also considered a symbol of Upper Egypt.

Feather of Ma'at.

The emblem symbolizes the truth and harmony. Maat - a daughter and eye of Ra, the goddess of justice, truth and the world order. Together with his father, she participated in the creation of the world out of chaos. Like its Greek equivalent, Themis, Maat represented blindfolded. The head of the goddess is decorated with ostrich feather, which is its symbol and hieroglyph. According to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, in the afterlife on one scale put the heart of the deceased, and the other - a statuette of Maat. If both items were balanced, it meant that the deceased worthy of bliss in the fields of reeds Iaru (otherwise it devoured a monster with the head of a crocodile and the body of a lion). Statuette of Maat on his chest was a fixture in the judge.


Cat for the Egyptians was the earthly incarnation of Bastet - the goddess of the sun's heat, joy and fertility, protector of pregnant women and children, homemaker and harvest. Bastet, represents qualities such as grace, beauty, agility and gentleness, it is considered an analogue of the Egyptian Aphrodite and Artemis. Her sculptural and pictorial images were used to protect the house from evil spirits.
Naturally, the cats in ancient Egypt were treated with great respect, and their murder is punishable by death. During the life of this animal was an equal member of the family, and after the death of his embalmed and placed in a coffin, which was placed in a special necropolis.


Goddess of fertility, water, wind, and family loyalty Isis oblegchitelnitsa travail and protector of children was one of the most important and ancient goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon. Her cult as a mother goddess was reflected in Christianity.


An analogue of the Greek Helios, the presiding deity of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, father of the gods. The title Son of Ra also wore all pharaohs. Ra was considered a sacred animal hawk, as he is often portrayed. Another option - a man with a falcon's head, crowned with the solar disk and double crown.
(Information is partially taken from source: )


The seeing Eye of Horus also represents the Pineal Gland and connection for health and awareness... thanks @favorit

Extra tought:

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