Look At One of the Oldest Fort in Aceh!

in #history7 years ago (edited)


This morning, after swimming in a hot spring located in the village of Ie Seuum Aceh Besar. I stopped to stop at a historical site in Aceh.

His name is Benteng Indra Patra. A fort located on Ujong Bate beach, Ladong village, Masjid Raya district, Aceh Besar district.

From inside the castle will feel the air like life many centuries ago.

Based on the plaque attached around the fort mentioned that the fort was built long before the sultanate of Aceh Darussalam.

Based on the story of making the castle using the arrangement of stone that is glued with lime and the egg white. Not much different from making the Pyramids in Egypt.


On the walls of the castle there is a hole that is thought to be a place to insert a cannon.

But unfortunately two forts have been destroyed by the times.


Only two fortresses remain to the sea.

Seeing this fortress I can imagine, how our ancestors' efforts in defending the sovereignty of this country.


Postingan penuh dengan cerita sejarah bang @fadhilaceh.

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