
Jewesh people are the worst of planet.They created a fake state by stealing land from Palstine .They are disobedient people .They also break the deal about Sabat(not fishing in saturday's) with God(allah).

they are evil to the core and always blame another race, for there dirty deeds ,they have no shame.

You have said the truth.

Aqui no Brasil o crime organizado se estalou ate no governo...

please say that in english

Every country has their share of organised criminal activities.

yes but we are talking about the ones at the top ,the mafia they are not italian but jewish,did you watch the video its only a few minutes long,if you want to see the rest go to david duke youtube.

its actually dr david duke he is a professor of history and spoke at 320 universitys,given true history to students.

Check out my blogs on Jewish myths about race and national origin. The fact is that most Jews are not even Semites, most are Eastern European. Yet they continue to lie. They control most US banks, much of our mass media, and they have a religious plan to dominate non-Jews. These are the sad truths of the world. My grandfathers fought in WW2 to save Europe, not to free a cult of anti-American, anti-white Zionists to spread their manipulation.

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