Know the first legal code in history

in #history6 years ago

The Code of Hammurabi was the first legal code in history. What are the existing compatibility standards? Its rules, based on the application of the Law of Talion, are carved in stone and, taken together, are considered as the prelude to some modern legal concepts.

Its importance lies in the application of sanctions by a specific state agency, replacing private revenge and compiling the customs of consumers.

Here some of its contents

If a gentleman accuses (another) gentleman and presents / displays against him denunciation of homicide, but it can not prove it, his accuser will be punished with the death.

If a man imputes to (another) gentleman sorcery practices, but can not prove them, the accused of witchcraft will go to the river (and) he will have to throw himself in the river. If the river (manages) to drag him, his accuser will snatch his hacienda. (But) if this gentleman has been purified by the river leaving (him) safe and sound, the one who accused him of maneuvers of witchcraft will be punished with death (and) the one who threw himself into the river will snatch the hacienda from his accuser.

If a man appears in a process to (present) a false testimony and can not prove the word he has said, if the process is a capital process such a man will be punished with death.

If he presents himself to testify (in false, in a process) of grain or silver, he will suffer the penalty of this process in its entirety.

If a judge has judged a case, pronounced sentence (and) deposited the sealed document, if, then, it changes its decision, it will be proved that the judge changed the sentence that had dictated and will pay up to twelve times the amount of what motivated the cause. Also, publicly, you will be lifted from your seat of justice (and) will not return.Never again can you sit with the judges in a process.

If a man steals religious or state property, that man will be punished with death. Moreover, the one who received the stolen goods from his hands will (also) be punished with death.

If, from the hand of the son of a lord or the slave of an individual, a lord has acquired or received in custody silver or gold, a slave or a slave, an ox or a sheep or an ass, or whatever it may be, without witnesses or contract, such a gentleman is a thief: (in those cases) he will be punished with death.

If a man steals an ox, a lamb, an ass, a pig or a boat, if (the stolen belongs) to the religion (or) if (belongs) to the state, it will restore up to thirty voices (its value); if (it belongs) to a subordinate it will restore it up to ten times. If the thief does not have anything to return, he will be punished with death.

If the buyer has not presented the seller who sold him (the object) or the witnesses in whose presence the purchase was made, and the owner of the lost thing presents witnesses that testify about his lost property, the buyer was the thief: he will be punished with death. The owner of the lost property will recover his lost property.

If the owner of the lost thing does not present witnesses that testify about the lost object, it is a fraudster, (and since) gave rise to a false report will be punished with death.

If the seller has died, the buyer will take from the seller's house up to five times (the value) of what he had claimed in this process.

If the witnesses of such a gentleman were not at hand, the judges will indicate a period of six months. And if at the end of the sixth month, he does not present his witnesses, this man is a forger. He will suffer the penalty of this process in its entirety.

If a lord steals the minor child of (another) lord, he will receive death.

laws of the Hammurabi Code were of divine and immutable origin. They were fundamental rules, written to regulate the daily life of the Mesopotamian peoples and not subject to change by the king himselfThe


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