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RE: Chimney Rock National Monument

in #history7 years ago

Long and interesting read... I was most drawn by your final words:

they stepped into a doorway and left this realm for another.

Sometimes I feel we are on the brink of just such a doorway right now...


@edward.maesan thank you for your time, reading and commenting. Yeah, I can’t seem to not be me in my writings. I keep hearing if I put politics or spirituality in my posts I won’t be curated but I can’t help myself. Anyhoo, as far as us being on a brink, yes we are. Whether we choose to travel or die in our shell then I guess that will be our choice, right?
I’d rather stay and tough it out. I don’t want to come back here and I’d prefer just to stay on my lifepath, so my job and peace out. Lol

Yup, I try to hang on until I can step through this doorway... and return home...
(wow, it makes me very emotional as I write those words "return home")

I am with you 100 percent. I'm not just saying that. Once I Awakened I came too and realized with the help of members of my family what my purpose was and importance of what I am doing. Also, that why I always felt homesick and at a loss for everything, what it meant. it has helped having my abilities to understand it all. hugs. xx
I know where home is now, what's waiting for me, and who is waiting. It is a huge help to get through all of this.

Hugs sister!
How wonderful that you have the conscious knowledge.
Since I was young I have been observing myself and been intrigued by my state of knowing yet not knowing at the same time. Whenever I tried to seek answers I was met with complete nothingness. I know not and I have surrendered to that.

Yay, big big hugs regarding your hug. LOL
I have to admit I blocked for many years because my ability freaked me out and I tend to sway conservative, reality, and no messy messy.
I love tradition and nothing towards the cray cray.
I have a feeling you have a block. I do too, plus it all comes when it is time and we are ready. If we do not accept it just will not come. That is the beauty of journeying and walking lands. Walking barefoot in the dirt, etc. People like us need to do that a lot. You are right near a major earth chakra, and she is always ready to give ... it would not hurt to go up there and talk to whom I call The Lady. Just don't get sucked in by her because she can be very, how can I say ... on the side of malevolence. In other words, listen but stay with who you are and do not get sucked in. I would love to know if you hear her and have a conversation. The experience of "up there" is amazing and powerful. It is so powerful I could never live there. LOL!xx

Thanks for your kind words and advice. Yes quite possibly I have a block, yet I feel that all that needs to be revealed will be revealed in due time. This life time certainly is teaching me about trust and faith. And yes, living here is not easy... I use to say that an average day here compares to 10 times the power of a full moon experience elsewhere...

yes, all in its own time. trust and faith is huge for me too. they are not easy lessons. heck yeah it is! it's like always having your hair on end! hahahahah God bless you!! So what do you think about going up there and talking to the lady? does it freak you out? LOL

No it doesn't freak me out :) I'm actually getting curious about the lady... Do you have a suggestion of a location on the mountain that's best to go to?

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