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RE: History today! 1933 Germany and the world was f*cked - (Federal Reichstag election)

in #history8 years ago

I, too, am concerned... when I examine that, I mostly feel concerned because most people in the world seem disinterested in their surroundings until we get to the point of "too late." They would rather watch football and go drinking at the pub and waste time on SnapChat rather than get involved in their own lives.

And that's how these nationalist/totalitarian people rise to power simply on "clever slogans" that catch the imagination and passion of people who have forgotten how to think for themselves.


Yes, that is the issue - disinterested people but what strikes me that people I never thought of are open for nationalist and dull ideas - sad - i even unfriended some as of this - they are then not open for any other approach.

What can we do??

I have a vague theory, somewhat based around the realities of life at given times, and G.J. Jung psychological archetypes... when times are really difficult, economically and "life wise;" (e.g early 1930's Germany; USA 2016) and more and more ordinary people really struggle to stay OK, we become more open to what Jung called the "Strong Father" archetype... life is so hard, so we are more willing to look to a "dictatorial" figure (or political movement) to just make decisions FOR us so we don't have to worry. This underlying.... "stress"... makes people like Hitler and Donald Trump (and other "strong nationalism" leaders) possible in the first place.

Maybe it's a far fetched idea, but it seems to "hold," more often than not.

Yeah I think this is at least true for a part of the voters - but there is more - I hope there is more which we can tackle to avoid a repeated disaster

check the comment below, btw since you are in Germany how are things there, are you still providing refuge for millions :| of Africans I was going to link a movie about the Toxic Somalia (you an search if you wish) but I only found it in Italian. The sad part is that like me the only time most have seen the subject is in either South Park or some bullshit media "show" seems like there are two sides to most stories, piracy being one of those controversial topics.

i do think indeed most media across the world just publish what they want or are allowed by local government. These days with fake news and social media information no one can be sure - I personally do not trust any politician from that ever direction or country in general. Which is absurd and is explaining a bit the issue here.....

Well Obama was all for LGBT+_+++ communities, he didn't value the oppositions. And he didn't stop the wars, like he said he would, he "PULLED OUT" in the worst moment, left the situation a Hell hole and tried his best to get the tensions high as possible.

I'm not a fan of Trump but he was better than Hillary. .

People either have to face up and take responsibility, stop their whateverantics(SJW' . . .. ) those guys are pretty much nazis at this point. Stop watching news so they implode even further. The amount of lies being spilled and the amount of people subscribing to bullshit and taking that as a truth is astounding, the amount of emotional ties being made to corporations, not to reality is saddening, I would guess 80% of the city dwelling population is without a real sight of history, culture, religion, mostly just consuming media and rotating their daily routines without improving or taking away the problematic parts.

News are good I suppose, but if you aren't prepared you will be brainwashed, plus media in general tends to do that for you :)


Cheers and check out Happy People if you think the world is ending :D no stress there, in the vast tundra :D where you have to live or basically die. Can't go protest :D And burning the forest won't help you either :D

Hey mate - i can not say a lot on US politics - i recognise Obama is very popular outside the US but not on the inside - with our leaders we have a similar thing depending on country - some people tell me openly we are NAZIS again (well i am really not a political guy but telling this in my face could results in some problems for the person telling me!) - I am not a Merkel fan and the invasion has not been handled perfect - bit who could have done this - not going into details but i appreciate the open work! You will never have a perfect system, terorrists come and go no matter what security system you have- Trump is a dick but i agree Hillary would have been even worse but we will see what happens.

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