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RE: Butch and Sundance: Harry Goes to the Big House

in #history6 years ago

So he would’ve been in Deadwood at the time of the gold rush, the same time the HBO series is based on, correct?

Great job @janton. How do you choose the characters you introduce us to?


Howdy sir dandays! hope you're having a good evening. I don't suppose you watched the classic movie yet, Butch and Sundance? Nah, just laying around with all that spare time on your hands, probably spending it addicted to video games.

Well sir, Deadwood the tv series, which I didn't see, was in 1876. The reason I know that is because my series on Wild Bill Hickok ended when he was murdered in Deadwood in 1876 and I had alot of people asking me if the show was based on his life and so on..I don't really know anything about the show except it's time frame.

So Harry was there 16 years later. You didn't watch that Deadwood show though because you don't like Westerns. Because you're part alien I think. lol.
Speaking of aliens, so you fit right in there with all those Catholics. Being one who loves liturgical rituals and protocols along with rules and regulations. lol.

I haven't had an ounce to drink I swear. How do I choose my characters? Darn good question. I choose people who have lived an exciting life and who are very different. I've found that people love to learn about famous characters like Doc Holliday or Wild Bill because they don't know anything about them really and for some reason it's fascinating to learn the details of a famous person's life.

It's especially interesting to be able to give them letters that the famous people have written, knowing that it came from their hand and never seeing anything like that before. I also try to find people that lived extraordinary, hard to believe lives like in the Mountain Man series and the series I did on Squirrel Tooth Alice. There were so many astounding things about her life that freaked people out but no one had ever heard of her so that was a blast, plus there were lots of great photos that I found.

I'm hurtin for photos at this point in my Butch and Sundance series. Generally outlaws didn't have many taken for obvious reasons. No photos of the jail house, no photos of Deadwood in the 1890s, no photos of young Harry, nothin. Anyway I'm off track, sorry. That's how I decide.

I've actually gotten alot of requests to tell the stories about white kids being captured by Indians who later told their stories or wrote books. I've been hesitant to do that because it makes the Indians look bad and of course I have Indian friends here! The Mountain Men series was different, he wasn't a kid and I was able to show the Indians with respect, I customized that one somewhat.

I think I asked you how you choose topics and there's no planning right? lol. of course not! It's just what strikes your fancy. And it works beautifully!

Maybe it has to do with intuition janton?

Television and video games, huh? I thought we knew each other better than that. Negative, I didn’t catch the deadwood series either, I only heard about it on jobsites and stuff. I watched some of the super bowl last year in February, the Patriots were in it I’m pretty sure. That’s about the last time I remember seeing a television. I’ve never been into video games, never even had a video game console as a kid, not my thing BUT I’m the biggest nerd in this conversation and I’m proud of it.... even have chess pieces tattooed on me. Tv, video games, negative my friend but, you ready?

Amongst my ONE suitcase and ONE backpack, I obviously have some clothes, toothbrush, things like that but I also have all of my pens, pencils, straight edges, sketchbooks, etc. and they don’t take up near as much space as my Chess board, cribbage, dominoes, Chinese checkers, connect four, backgammon, cards and othello—true story!

I apologize if my lack of interest in westerns is offensive, it shouldn’t be, because all I’m trying to say is I like them when you tell them. This is the first and only time I’ve been interested, that’s all YOU, janton.

That’s sofa king funny about the aliens and how I fit in with rituals, rules and protocol. “They’re everywhere!” (And they always have been!!!!!)

I like the idea of white men captured by Indians, not everyone is going to be a fan of your work every time. What do you think about Geronimo? Perhaps you could do a series on him, first? Maybe that will ease the hearts of your Indian readers and then you can go into white people being captured?? Just an idea.

Thanks for continuing to go toe to toe with me janton in these conversations, janton, I look forward to them each and every time. Say hello to the Mrs.

howdy sir dandays! well of course I was just teasing about the video games because I knew you would never be into those ...and the extreme joke about the rituals but you knew I was teasing about that, too obvious.

No, the lack of interest in Westerns is not offensive in the least, it's just something else to tease you about. lol.

I've done two big posts and a long series about the greatness of the Indigenous people here so I'm not overly concerned...I just can't say more than that here. Have to go to discord if you want to know more. lol.

ah you're a big chess player. and your wife plays with you?
What kind of electrical wiring work did you do, commercial, residential or both? I wonder what the codes are like there?

She’s played a couple games of chess with me, that’s it. She’s my occasional cribbage player and consistent dominoes player, she and I have countless games we’ve played and our scoreboard is documented in all of the locations we’ve been in. I’m talking hundreds of games, no matter where we go, a game of dominoes is typically on the menu (we’ve already played 4 or 5 on this side of Costa Rica).

...back in tax paying day’s... kidding! For over 22 years I’d say was 60-70% heavy industrial engineering ie: Power plants, steam plants, Co-hydrogen, wind turbines and most recently solar plants and troff-style solar plants. No residential in my whole career other than my buddies who needed help with housing or side jobs, the rest was commercial.

These are the last 2 projects I ran in my own local before I hit the road again to bank my annuity. I ran all 3 units at Ivanpaugh Solar Generating Facility on the Nevada/Cali border and all of the new 12,500 Volt clinker power at Moly Corp rare earth mine, one of only two rare earth mines in the world. I rarely worked in my own local though, I always bounced around the country chasing the 60-70 hour/week jobs banking my working hours so I could retire by the time I was 45. Hmm.. 🤔 I came in a little early, Janton, three years early to be exact.

I shouldn’t say lack of interest because I, like most everyone else, am a big fan of the popular outlaws and I really enjoy learning about them. Like the fellas you’re introducing to us now.. Doc Holiday, The Earps, etc. In fact, the Earps are buried right up the street from where I did my 5 year apprenticeship training in San Bernardino, California. Same cemetery as Randy Rhodes actually.

edit Here’s a picture of me at the top of Tower 2 at Ivanpaugh, looking down, 450 feet.

howdy sir dandays! oh my gosh this is such an interesting comment, thank you! Now I see so much clearer how you achieved your retirement and the sacrifice that took. I didn't know we had one of the only two rare earth metal mines in CA, do you know what they mine there?

I love that shot from the top of the wind turbine! lol. amazing! I take it you have no fear of heights! Dang that's great.

So you DON'T have a lack of interest in the Wild West characters? This is a hard one to pin down. You just don't like watching Westerns on tv or movies? Dang you would have loved the Wild Bill series then. I had women literally begging me not to stop writing about him! lol..he was so unusual. So charasmatic and such a rough but elegant gentleman.

Thanks so much for getting back to me sir dandays! I'll be thinking about you guys today in your quest for a phone and vehicle.

So you DON’T have a lack of interest in Wild West characters?

No, I guess not! What I shouldn’t admit right here is ‘books,’ just books and yes, I’ve always enjoyed Hollywood’s version of outlaws. Those things have since changed. And I especially like the way you #inform us—keep up the great work, please!

That isn’t a view from a wind turbine, that’s a 450’ solar tower with 555,000 14’ x 18’ mirrors aimed at it to boil the water in the lines, causing the steam to rise which is then funneled to turn the turbines down below, causing energy to be created. Excess steam is then cooled which turns it back into liquid form, this the process starts again and all of the energy is created by sunlight. The link in this paragraph is a view of Unit 3. Over 400 Wiremen alone, not counting all of the other crafts were on that project, only I and my 11 guys was up and down all three towers. Exciting, right? Thank God I just talk about it these days and the physical and mental labors are behind me.

Rare Earth is just that, rare earth, it’s a mineral. Don’t worry, I asked the same question when they sent me through the plants prientation. I was unaware but everything in our world that consists of touch screen, just a couple of things right? Phones and TV’s, really? Well, now it’s the ATM’s, well actually, Hotel doors now, oh! The DMV screens.. what I’m trying to say is everything is touch screen these days and “rare earth” is the mineral that senses body temperature to allow the ‘screen’ you’re touching to sense you. Do you understand? I hope I explained that well.

That being said, “Moly Corp” is on the US stock exchange, just sayin! 😉 In my career I was able to see a couple of technologies in operation before most of the public, Molly Corp was one, if you don’t mind (since you’re my only digital communication these days—which I love!) I’m going to give you a little reading information and maybe you’ll give Moly Corp some consideration if you’re apt to investing or just interested in things of that nature.

It must have been around 1997 when I was building a distribution warehouse for Sachs Electric in St. Louis. What happened was, we were pulling all of the Data through the building and all of the circuits were protected by the same gray colored plastic coating—it was real confusing having to identify each circuit and could you imagine pulling “100 lines” or something and they all look the same? It requires a lot of work and focus to not cross anything.

Well, a company called Lucent Technolgies came in and color-coded everything. Overnight everything went from gray to you name it! Purple, pink, green, etc. every color under the rainbow. I immediately called my investment banker and threw down on Lucent.... I have one more. 👆

Shortly after that I came back to California and was in Fontana, Ca ‘around’ 1998-99 building a giant warehouse for a company called Skecher Shoes (nobody back then), they were only in America at that point but this was the warehouse that was supposed to take them global. I immediately did some research while everyone else was trying to figure out how to wire up this warehouse, I learned their stock was riding under $3/share. Well, needless to say, they’re worldwide now, shares have since split twice and well.. God is great!

So, back to what I was saying... “Moly Corp.” just sayin. God bless you Janton, I’ll chat to you soon!

Howdy sir dandays! wow this is a fantastic comment! I've heard the name Lucent Technologies quite a bit but I don't even remember where from. I remember when Sketchers were these cheap little shoes and now they have good shoes in many styles. Those are some great investments, then with Moly Corp, that is such a cool story!

I told Mrs. J about that one and she's ready to open a trading account just to get a few shares.

And I love the photo of that big tower! My gosh, all those mirrors pointing at that tower, dang! You're saying that 400 electricians were working on that project? And does it work well? Does it produce power efficiently? I've never heard of such a thing as that design.

Do you have any physical issues like bad knees or anything from all the hard work in those 22 years? Shouldn't have many right? I mean, you got out at about the time people start having issues because of their age or the work on their jobs.

Sir dandays your first two sentences are kinda confusing to me. You're admitting what about books? You like them?
And then you said "Those things have since changed." mean Hollywood's version of outlaws has changed? Because it used to be more black and white?
I think you have phones now, I wonder if you got the back account set up?

Was that confusing? I was probably trying to be secretive and not just come right out and say.. ‘I never liked to read, I only liked the television screen,’ that what has since changed. And, actually, the Bible is what helped me with that one. Reading was never my thing until I started reading the Bible. 😉 Now I don’t watch TV anymore.

I just realized I don’t have any active posts right now?! I’m slippin! Thanks for being my Steemit outlet! I look forward to unloading a winded response to you in the morning’s.

Yes, 4K electricians only, I believe the full human power peaked around 2,800 people collectively between all of the trades. It was the second power plant of its kind in the world, the first one was a solo tower built shortly before Ivanpaugh in Israel. Efficiency was proven so the size was tripled for the states. Heck yeah it works! The energy is the most efficient being the only element tracked is the sun. Since then, a second facility has begun construction just 6 miles down the 15 freeway from Ivanpaugh. The hiccup is up-front fees. Though mirrors are more efficient, they’re more expensive to construct than glass panels, thus you’re seeing contractors in the states leaning toward Photovoltaic instead. I think there’s a word for it... Capitalisomething.

Injuries, damage to my body, yes. Great question! When I speak to fellas behind me or when I’m trying to help someone like you understand, my quote goes like this: “I love my Union and I love where I came from, I hate the price I paid to get where I’m at.” I’m mobile, Janton, don’t get me wrong, I’m not on any medication or anything like that and don’t need any. But I’ve had several surgeries over the years and I have body parts that bother me and will never be the same. Both knees, both shoulders, my wrists, all suffered the consequences of running real hard for 22 years.

We have a new chip for our phone so, yes, we have communication now. We still haven’t located a drop box to receive our UPS mail but that will come. We ‘could’ have a bank account today if we felt it was necessary just by leaving our previous Air bnb hosts address so the bank account won’t be an issue.

We meet with the Canadian company today about scoring a vehicle. Progress! We began searching short-term rentals last night, too, something we can get ourselves into near the Capitol so we are in the general area as we acquire legal residency. We have all of the required documentation, it’s just a process. Immigration office, US embassy, etc. When we no longer rely on a rental vehicle, we’ll begin those steps. Hence we need to stay near the capitol for the first month’ish. Speaking of which, we left our first stop and will be staying the next 5 days here in Santa Ana, pronounced “Santana.”

Could you imagine calling THIS home for a few months?!

Thank you so much for continuing to be my Steemit communication. I’ll type to you soon! 👍🏿

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