Lessons from Israel. Shabbat Shalom

in #history8 years ago (edited)

Because I love Israel and I was lucky enough to go there a few times (and still planning to go), I want to share some observations call because the heading "Lessons from Israel"
In this country it is impossible not to fall in love))

One of the memorable moments is Shabbat

Shabbat - it is the seventh day of the week, which is from the Jews is essentially a holiday. Already the day before the Sabbath Jews are beginning to wish each other "Shabbat shalom" that is "a peaceful Sabbath" or "hello Saturday." The main rule of the Sabbath (Shabbat) - a person must not work. Is not it wonderful condition. But all is not so simple, because the Jews called the work on the sabbath what you can with it quite synonymous. For example, to write (although, you can read, but religious literature), or to hang out the laundry, or turn on / off lights, even tying shoelaces impossible. It is easier to say what you can do. But the fact that you can, for a Jew is enough, because you need to devote this day to God and family. You might think that it is impossible to devote the day the family, if it is impossible for human beings to cook food and lucky kids to the amusement park? But it turns out, is much more important for the family: love, companionship and attention. And to do this on the Sabbath there are all conditions.

Shabbat Jews greet Shabbat meal. A woman lights a candle, her husband reads the blessing on Shabbat, Shabbat bottled wine (like the Cahors) or grape juice, challah is refracted - a special bread for Shabat. The whole family sits around the table and welcomes Shabbat - talk, eat, sing songs. Shabbat begins at sundown on Friday and ends on Saturday, too, with the sunset. For the Jew who observes the tradition, Shabbat - Holy day, so it not only meet, but also escort. The ceremony is called "Awdal" from the word "separate" - you need to separate the holy day on weekdays. Havdal

Shabbat for Jews - one of the top ten commandments received by Moses on Mount Sinai (read the Bible), which must be performed. In Israel, the tradition is very strong, and many Jews observe the Sabbath.

In Shabat has powerful philosophical and spiritual background. There are so many interpretations of the significance of Shabbat.

To this day, Jews are trying as far as possible and the desire to keep sacred Sabbath. And this means that a tourist coming to Israel, must take into account a few things.

  1. On Friday, in the evening, start to close the majority of establishments in the city: shops, restaurants, many museums. They will open either at the end of Saturday (evening) or the next day (Sunday).

  2. The public transportation on Shabbat is not working, so when planning the day you need to take this into account. If you are not staying in Jerusalem and want to come to Jerusalem on Friday, then plan the first half of the day to catch the last bus to the beginning of the Sabbath, or come on your own transport (as an option, to transfer the tour). If you have planned a tour on Saturday - expect either a taxi or book excursions with transfer (comfortable, not cheap), or rent a car and come on the eve of her.

  3. Shabbat elevator. Very funny to listen bewildered tourists who are unaware that benefited from such a lift. The fact that so as not to push the elevator button on the Sabbath (not to violate the commandment - not to work and not to light the fire), the elevators have been established that on the sabbath move independently, constantly, stopping on each floor. Such elevators have many Israeli hotels and the tourists often start to panic hit him. So: do not panic - you take the elevator to the desired floor, but the time he will take longer than usual. By the way, as a rule, is in the hotel and a regular elevator for tourists - not Jews.

  4. And, of course, if you happen to be in Jerusalem on Friday or Saturday, be sure to visit the Wailing Wall (the Western Wall). Special, unforgettable experience you get when you're there on the eve of Shabbat, 4 - 6 pm, on Friday.

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