
in #history8 years ago


Look At The Peoples In Theses Crowds. They Are 10, And 12 Deep, In Some Places,

Just Before The Last Turn In The Motorcade We can see Peoples are Still Standing 5 Feat Deep to see the President,

But Then the Limousine Turned The Corner, Drive 100 Yard, And........


What Happened? Where Are All The Peoples?


The killers were nearly able to completely eliminate the witnesses

to there crime,by excluding them from Dealey Plaza... 


They've made sure that... No Secret Services Agent Was In That Area?.?.?. 

Excepts For The Small Army Of Theirs Peoples, Running Around 

With Secret Services credentials! 


Normally Kennedy, Would've Been Accompanied on Such a Motorcades by his

Personal Physician and His Military Aid, The Person Responsible 

for carrying the Portable Phone that Allows the President To Be In

Constant-Communication with the National Security Agency in Case of

a Sneak-Attack by the Russians for example,

In a Extraordinary Move, These 2 Men Were Excluded From Kennedy Limousine!


However, They Did Provide Kennedy with a Driver, Who, Film Shows, Was Breaking, Until After The Fatal Head-Shot To The President...

In This Frame, Closes To 12 Shots Have Been Fired, The President And Governor Connally Already Have 5 Wounds Between Them,

There's A HOLE Tn The Freaking Wind-Shield, And This SUCKER, Has His Foot On The BRAKE!


But Watch This... Look At The Driver, What Is-He Doing?


His Training Says That He Should Be Speeding Away From This Scene.

And His Partner, Supposed To Have Jump Into The Back Seat, Thrown The President To The Floor, And Jump On Top Of Him, To Shielded Him! 


But Instead... They Are Both Completely Turned Around, Watching The President Die... 




What Possibles Explanations Is There? For This Extraordinary Behavior?


It is not until the driver see Kennedy received the Fatal-Shot to the Head,

That he Finally Turned Around, and Drive-Off at Top-Speed...



The Most Obvious Explanations Is That,

This Man Was Part Of A Conspiracy

That... His Job Was To Keep The

President In the Line Of Fire.

If Kennedy was Surrounded by Enemies,

At The Last Moments of his Life,

At The Moment of his Death,

They Literally SWARMED Over His Body...




I could invision that an incision may have been made in order to pull the skull back to expose this bone! | That would seems to settle the question. We have the FBI memo, expert eye-witness testimony and the pictures itself taken before the autopsy even started. All showing this SCREW-Cutting And Ripping Which Mysteriously Appeared After The Body Left The Dallas Hospital.

But How?


How this Cutting And Ripping Was Done?


And When? And Where? And WHO Done It?


An Air-Force Officer Claims That The Body Couldn't Been Switch,

Because The Casket Was In His View For All

The 5 Minutes Of The Journey From Dallas To Washington...

Well, there you go,

While Everyone Aboard Air Force 1 Was Gattered In The Front Of The Plane.

For 5 Minutes Watching President Johnson Being Sworn In For Example.

The Agents Of 'EVIL' Snatched The Body Out Of The Casket And Snuck It Out The Plane.

But You Know It Doesn't Really Matter When, Where and How. 

It Was Done. The Matters Is Who?


Who could have done that?


These are fair questions.

In the hours after Kennedy's murder,.

we would imagine that the FBI and the Secret Service agents would be under a Super high state of security Trying to make-up for letting the President die by now protecting is body..

Who could've penetrated the security in order to steal and mutilate the body of the slain President??.


Certainly not the MAFIA, not the Cubans, not even the Russians, NO WAY!.

What we have here is proof positive that the investigation of Kennedy murder had been SABOTAGE by members of his own Government, at the very highest levels..


So what? They cover it up! Cover it up is not the same as murder? Is it? IS IT ??? Well it depends!

Now Lee Harvey Oswald was Arrested Because He Matches The Description Of The President Killer? Put-out Over The Police-Radio.

But Nobody Have Claimed To Have Seen The President Killer?

And so Nobody Knows Where This Description Of Oswald Came From ?

But Never Mine The Description Of Oswald, Mysteriously Goes-Out On The Police-Radio And 20 Cops Descends To On Oswald And Arrested Him 

For Going Into A Movie-Theater Without Buying A 75 Cents Ticket.

But the Police Didn't Have Any Evidences Against Him, None...

When, They Finally Charges Oswald With President Murder, It Was Nearly Midnight And They Still Had No Evidences Against Him...


The question is...

How did they know at 2 o'clock in the afternoon when they stole the body for the first time?


How did they know at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, When They Stoled the Body For the Second Time?


The Autopsy Begins Around 6 p.m, Dallas time,

How Did They Know, 5 hours Before Oswald Was Even Charged, That They Need To cut-up The evidences that Kennedy Was Shot From The Front?


How did they know, Just Hour After The Assassination, That It Was Impossible To Have A Real Investigation and To Catch the Real Killers? 


How did they know? 




The Mans Who Stole Kennedy's Body And Mutilate It, We're Accessories

Before The Fact. They We're Guilty Of Conspiracy To Murder! They We're In On The Assassination,

Part Of The Operation From The Very Beginning. They We're Powerful Mans To Be Able To Do What They Did And Got-away With It!!!

Who Have Such Power???


Again after listening all the testimony's in the trial..

The jury found that Spot-Light Magazine did not slandered Hunt..

" When Spot-Light's printing an article that says that Hunt murder John Kennedy! " 

But Hunt Didn't have the ability to steal the body from the Dallas Coroner.

Or to steal it from the Secret Service and remove it from his cuffin!

And MUTILATE IT! And then return it without attracting public attentions.

And he Didn't Have The Ability To Get All of The Medias To Lied About For The Next 40 Years.

The Ones, To Take The Body, For Example, Could Only Have

Been Carried-Out By The Most Powerful DEVILS In The World!

Devils So Powerful We Can Recognize Their Names Over The Grave...

Can We Linked Hunt To Any Major League Devils?

Former President Richard Nixon might be a good place to start,

even dough he's generally not regarded as an Expert in handling guns,

he's generally regarded as one of the most evil peoples to have ever occupied the White House. And it's not a secret everybody knows!!!.

Nixon chose E. Howard Hunt to lead His Private White House Goons Squad, The So-Called Plumbers Union.

Hunt became Famous As The Head of the Watergate Burglars.

But After His Arrest For Breaking The Watergate, While he was sitting in jails, Hunt started to send messages to Nixon,

that he needed 1,000,000$ to keep his mouth shut! At the same time, Hunt started to talk to reportersm,

Saying That He Was An CIA Assassin!

To The Thousands Of Peoples Who Believed That The CIA Had Killed Kennedy,


Hunt was threatening to tell about the Kennedy Assassination,

if Nixon didn't get him the hell out of jail, and get him the 1,000,000 dollars,

Nixon Called The FBI And Told Them They Had To Stop Investigating Hunt's Activities In Mexico.

He said the FBI Investigation, 

"...would threatened to uncover the whole bay of pigs thing!"


The whole bay of pigs thing?


What is that suppose to mean?


Paul Haldeman was Nixon Chief of Staff and closest advisor.

Haldeman says that in all those references to the bay of pigs,

he was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination...

Nixon Admits That He Was In Dallas, The Day That Kennedy Was Murdered!


So What!


So WHAT, It's THAT? 


" It Almost Become A Clichés To Say It, But You Know, Everybody Remember Where There We're When The 

Assassination Took Place. The Country Changed, Their Life Changed, And Now, Nothing Will Ever Be The Same!"

Well Almost Everybody Remembers...

Its Seems That Nixon Like Hunt Can't Remember What He Was Doing On The Day That Kennedy Was Murdered!

See in 1964, He Told the Reader Digest


" I was taking a plane from Dallas to New York.

We we're Just Waiting For The Light To Change And A Man Ran Over From The Street Corner And Said That The President As Just Been Shot In Dallas! This is the Way I Heard the News... "


However Exactly 9 Years Later, He Told Esquire Magazine


" On Our Arrival To New York, We Caught A Cab And Headed To The City,

A Woman Came Out Of Her House, Screaming and Crying, She Told Us That John Kennedy As Just Been Shot In Dallas... "


Why Does Nixon Remembers 2 Different Versions Of How He Founded Out That Kennedy Was Dead?


Perhaps Like Hunt, He Can't Tell The Truth, About Where He Was?


And What He Was Doing? 


But Nixon wasn't a powerful devil in 1963, in fact he had quit politics completely after losing the election of 1960 to Kennedy and then losing the election for governor in California in '62. But it is clear that he had a close relationship with another suspect in this case. As president he SHOCK political observers by bringing in a Democrat to be his Secretary of the Treasury. The Texas democrat  who was siting in front of Kennedy when is brain we're BLOWN OUT! Who held Kennedy's hand and pretended that nothing was going on, as he let him in the killing zone, John Connally, The Democratic Governor of Texas. It's Important To Remember That Theses Guys Are Just Small-Time Devils,

And We Need A Little Bit Of Historical Background, On The Really BIG-DEVILS Before Going-On! America is home to some of the most brutally, Vicious-Racist Monsters In All Of History...

So the Bushes are running around a tight circle that includes others Nazis and Kennedy killers... A truly EVIL circles of friends. Of course this doesn't prove that the bushes killed JFK , but it must provokes some investigation on our part! So let's do some investigating!

We just saw that in 1942, Hoover forced Prescott Bush to give up is active political support for his favorite young politician; Adolf Hitler!!! However 4 short years later, he founded another young man to sponsor in politics, Nixon! Who is documented has employing Jack Ruby a year after this photo was taken. Nixon who hired Hunt, who hired Connally, was created and sponsored from the very beginning by Prescott Bush! Are you surprised??? Well, you better get over it in a hurry!!!

How can you possibly explains the connection between theses peoples? Do theses guys have anything in common? The answer is either no, they all came together in 1970 for no apparent reason or the answer is this one they all met on the same road to power. .

Now what the hell do you make of that, just crazy!!!.

When questioned about the FBI documents, Bush said he doesn't recall making the phone call! His failure to recall such DRAMATIC events puts him in a unique club..

Like Nixon and Hunt, he can't seems to remember the events of November 22, 1963. It seems that this guy was everywhere, connected to every singles aspect of the assassination! Planing, execution and cover-up. No one, not Hunt, not Connally, not Nixon, no one on the face of the Earth could possibly had better credential as a suspect than George Hebert Walker Bush..


To understand what's was in Hoover's mind when he wrote the memo, we need some historical background to understand the complex relationships between.

the FBI, the CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald. According to declassified secrets documents of the Warren Commission, they we're told that Oswald was working for the FBI at the time of the assassination. In his wallet at the time of is arrest he had the name, phone number and lessons number of Dallas FBI agent James Hosty. In 1960, 3 years before the assassination; J Edgar Hoover found the time to write a memo regarding the lowly, insignificant lone nut, Lee Harvey Oswald. What the hell did Hoover found interesting from this guy 3 years before the assassination. Hoover's memo claimed that some one was using Oswald identity while Oswald was in Russia. To buy trucks for CIA trained anti-Castro Cubans. Given this pile of evidences we have to admit that it was at least possible that Oswald was involved with the FBI. What could Oswald have possibly had been doing for the FBI? Well, what was the FBI doing? Hoover was helping JFK crack down on the CIA..



The secret Code-name for the bay of pigs invasion was Operation Zapata! Operation Zapata??? Zapata Offshore!.

Now you can fairly ask what kind of an idiot would give a secret operation, a secret code-name a named it after its own company that was operating in the area??? What kind of idiot? George Bush that's what kind of idiot!!!.


 Less than the 3 months after becoming President, Kennedy woke up one morning to discover that the CIA had launched a major invasion of Cuba at the bay of pigs, using their secretly trained army of misguided anti-castro cubans. Warrren Dallas, the CIA Chief figured that if he launched an invasion with the CIA private army, Kennedy would be force to order an all out Invasion of Cuba to back them up. Kennedy refused to go along and the entire CIA army was killed or captured, Recently declassified documents shows that Kennedy had never approved the CIA plan for an major invasion at the bay of pigs..

And while Kennedy took publicly  the blame for the CIA disaster. He quietly fired the top 3 man at CIA, Warren Dallas, Richard Bissel and general Charles Gubbles. .

He stills had an army of CIA trained Cubans terrorists to contained with. He lied to them. And he allowed them to keep training for raids against Cuba, as several's CIA sponsored training camps under various names Operation 40, Operation Mongoose and Alpha 66 and several's others..

At the very moment that the World tread on the brink of nuclear disaster against Kennedy specific orders the CIA send a U-2 spy plane flying into Russian Air-space.Which could easily had been mistaken for a bomber getting ready for a first strike. Right in the middle of this critical period, has both sides prepares for full- squale nuclear war,  against Kennedy specific orders,the CIA instigated attack upon Cuba by their anti-Castro Cubans paramilitaries. Theses INSANE attempts by the CIA to provoke a Nuclear Holocaust changed Kennedy fundamentally!!! He caught a glimpse into the souls of his adversaries. And he spokes of them like having   " a collective death wish for the World. " .

The missiles crisis ended after the Soviets agreed to dismantled  their missiles into Cuba. However the Russian leader insisted that theses CIA training bases be dismantled and that the Russians be able to verified with inspections. Kennedy ordered theses secrets training bases Closed. But many of the groups we're openly defying, refused to closethe bases and talked about murdering Kennedy. Kennedy Ordered Hoover to locates theses training bases and shut them down.Hoover was forced by Kennedy to go Head to Head with the CIA. All dough , no arrests we're made, Hoover located the camps and shut them down. the question remains, how did Hoover located theses camps???Their locations we're secret even to the President of the United States..

Its a very relevant question, we seen a substantial amount of  evidences that Oswald was an FBI agent.He was seen at the training camp in Lake Ponchar train Louisiana by the secretary of the former FBI agent who ran the camps. This camp was raided and shut down days after Oswald visited there. Raids and shutting downs theses camps we're a highest priority operation of the FBI. these circumstances suggest that Oswald was in fact Hoover's most important agent in the field. So that on November 22, Hoover not only learned that the CIA had murder the president of the United States but that they had framed his Top-agent Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin for the murder.This News sends a very direct and very personal message to Hoover from CIA.   .

" Mess With Us And You Die! "


When Hoover Shuts down the CIA training camps the CIA figured out that Oswald was a rat. So THEY knew that Hoover knew. And yet according to the memo, the CIA asks Hoover to tell them what he knows about the misguided anti-castro cubans? WHY??? You, yeah YOU sitting there, come on think about it. Why would the CIA asks Hoover what he knows about their DIRTY LAUNDRY??? When its there DIRTY LAUNDRY, they got it DIRTY are they expecting to learned something about their own operations. I don't think so. Is it to find out how much Hoover knows? Because they already knows that he knows everything about their DIRTY LAUNDRY. Then WHY do they asks him? WHY ??? remember that bush called the FBI the day of the assassination he told them that he was in the Dallas area. and then he got on a plane and flew to Washington. If he really wanted information on the anti-castro cubans, Why didn't he go to Miami and talk to the FBI agent who we're actually involved in investigating the cubans??? If he wanted to hear from the head quarters, why didn't he just called??? And he already knew the answer to the question so WHY did he go to all this trouble. There's something going on here! What, theses are important questions!!! If you wanna try to understand the World you lived in, you can't just Shrugged them off! Sciences and criminal justices say that you have to come up with a better explanation than me or else you have to accepts my explanations. And my answer are pretty ugly, it seems to me that the CIA asking the FBI about their own DIRTY LAUNDRY is like the white beader asking his wife to explains how a strange woman panties got under the front seat of his car !!! You know I'm guilty says the white beader, here the evidence says  the white beader, I know that you know says the white beader!!! Say the wrong thing , Go ahead...... And you're dead!!! In asking  theses question the CIA is totally punking Hoover!!! They're asking   Are you a little bitch who knows is place  who knows who's Boss. Are you gonna beg for mercy and tells us the lie we wanna hear or what?.

Or WHAT!!! there's another good question. If Hoover Raffle like he's suppose too, everything is fined! But what if he doesn't??? What if he STANDS up and say "look I've got the goods on you, Nazis Bastards! And me and my  best-friend Lyndon Johnson are gonna take you down..."  You Never know, Hoover didn't joined the nazi's in 1942, he went AFTER them! Its obvious that theses guys don't knows for sure what Hoover gonna say, or they wouldn't have to get on a plane and flying to Washington and than to asks!!! So now here they are in Washington, but what are they suppose to do if Hoover gives the wrong answer? How hard a question is that??? They just WACK the president the day before, so asks yourself!!!.

What are they gonna do if they got the wrong answer? Are they just gonna shoot him  in the head, right there in the FBI Headquarters.


Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 5.6 and reading ease of 80%. This puts the writing level on par with Jane Austen and JK Rowling.

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