in #history7 years ago (edited)

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The Book of Phenomenal I'anah Atthalibin his scribe is the Banjar Ulama

Among the santri in Indonesia the book of I'anah Ath-Thalibin is well known. But who would have thought, the author (scribe Sheikh Bakri Satha) was a sheikh of Banjar descent.

The sheikh of the Banjar descent was named Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah bin Mahmud bin Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari. He was born in Makkah Al Mukarromah in 1285 Hijriyah coinciding with the year 1868 Miladiyah (Masehi), and grew up in the family of shaleh and shalehah.

His father, Sheikh Abdullah bin Mahmud Al Banjari is a charismatic scholar in Makkah Al Mukarromah. He is nicknamed by the nickname of Sheikh Abdullah Wujud because if he dzikir, his body no longer visible, but only his clothes and his turban.

In his pious and upholding family of religion, Shaykh Ali grew so much that he inherited the love of religious knowledge as his father, grandfather, and datuk were first of all great scholars of their day.

Shaykh Ali did not want to be the "golden" scholar of his ancestors, he also diligently studied many scholars, among them to Sayyid Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Shatha, Sheikh Said Yamani, Sheikh Yusuf Al Khaiyat, Sayyid Husein bin Muhammad Al Habsyi, Habib Ahmad bin Hasan As Saqaf (Assegaf), Mufti Abid bin Husein bin Ibrahim Al Makki, Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Al Atthas, Habib Umar bin Salim Al Atthas, Sheikh Mahfuz Termas, Sheikh Ahmad Fathani, Sheikh Zainuddin As Sumbawi and others.

In the science of nahwu, shorof, and Fiqh Shaykh Ali learned to Shaykh Abu Bakr Satha, Sheikh Said Yamani, and Shaykh Mahfuz Termas (Ulama from Java). In the field of hadith he studied to Sheikh Said Yamani, Sayyid Husein bin Muhammad Al Habsyi, Habib Ahmad bin Hasan As Saqaf (Assegaf), Mufti Abid bin Husayn bin Ibrahim Al Makki. As for the science of falaq, Shaykh Ali learned to Sheikh Yusuf Al Khaiyat. Tafsir, to Sayyid Abu Bakar Satha. And, take a Thoriqoh Sammaniyah diploma to Syekh Zainuddin As Sumbawi.

Become his Master's Scribe
The teacher of Shaykh Ali, Sayyid Abu Bakar Muhammad Syatha is one of the great scholars of the Shafi'i school that lived at the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century H. At that time, Sayyid Abu Bakr Satha taught the book of syarah Fath al Mu ' in the work of Al Allamah Zainuddin al-Malibari, in the Grand Mosque.

During teaching the Book of Fathul Mu'in, Sayyid Abu Bakar Satha wrote notes as an explanation of the phrases contained in the Book of Fathul Mu'in. These records were then requested to be gathered by his companions, in order to be a book (hasyiyah) to understand the Book of Fathul Mu'in.

At that time, Shaykh Ali became a concern among the many disciples who recited to Sayyid Abu Bakar Satha. His skill in the field of fiqih made Sayyid Abu Bakr designate Sheikh Ali as the katib (clerk) of his belief when writing the book. One of the books known to be the result of the Shaykh Ali is the Book of 'Ianah Ath-Thalibin, a sermon from the Book of Fathul Mu'in by Al Allamah Zainuddin al-Malibari.

"His original handwritten book is in Sumatra," said Ustadz Muhammad ibn Husin bin Ali Al Banjari.

This book is a hashiyah having a certain piece of paper, which is in the form of an extension of the explanation of the previous writings which is more succinct. The Book of I'anah Ath-Thalibin is completed on Wednesday ba'da Ashar, 27 Jumadil al-Tsani Year 1298 H.

The Book of I'anah Ath-Thalibin has the advantage of being a more actual and contextual fiqh mutakhkhirin because it contains a variety of opinions carried by mutaakhkhirin ulama especially Al-Imam An-Nawawi, Ibnu Hajar and many others who are certainly better able to accommodate the needs of reviewers of various references and effective.

References for the preparation of this book are the books of Shafi'i mutaakhkhirin fiqh, namely Tuhfah al-Muhtaj, Fath al-Jawad Syarh al-Irsyad, al-Nihayah, Syarh al-Raudh, Syarh al-Manhaj, Hawashi Ibn al-Qasim, Hawashi Shaykh Ali Syibran al-Malusi, Hawasyi al-Bujairumy and others.Mursyid Thoriqoh Sammaniyah

In the field of Sufism, Sheikh Ali Al Banjari is known to have taken a Thoriqoh Sammaniyah diploma to Sheikh Zainuddin As Sumbawi, to become a murshid in the thoriqoh. This is known by the existence of the genealogy record of masyaikh (teacher) on Thoriqoh Sammaniyah which has his name in it.

Thoriqoh Sammaniyah is a thoriqoh founded by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Karim As Samman Al Madani. Among the disciples of Shaykh Muhammad Samman is Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari. He brought this thoriqoh to the land of Banjar, and sent it to his family and followers. From his family and followers it is then thoriqoh is maintained until now.

The famous Mursyid Thoriqoh Sammaniyah of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari is Sheikh Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani (Sekumpul). Among the chain sanad teacher of Sheikh Muhammad Zaini in this Thoriqoh Sammaniyah field, there is the name of Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al Banjari. Here are the details of the theoretical teacher from Shaykh Samman to Sheikh Muhammad Zaini:

Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Karim As Samman Al Madani, Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad bin Abdullah Al Banjari, Sheikh Syihabuddin Al Banjari, Sheikh Nawawi bin Umar Al Bantani, Sheikh Zainuddin bin Badawi As Sumbawi, Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al Banjari, Sheikh Muhammad Syarwani bin Haji Abdan Al Banjari, Sheikh Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani Al Banjari.

Mengajar di Mesjidil Haram

Setelah dinilai guru-gurunya mumpuni dalam bidang keilmuan, Syekh Ali pun diizinkan mengajar di Mesjidil Haram dalam mata pelajaran Nahwu, Shorof, dan Fiqih Mazhab Syafi’ie.

Sejak saat itu pula, rumahnya di Daerah Syamiyah, Jabal Hindi, menjadi tempat tujuan para penimba ilmu. Terlebih, ketika umat Islam Seluruh dunia berdatangan untuk menunaikan ibadah haji. Momentum ibadah haji ini biasanya dimanfaatkan para muslimin untuk menimba ilmu dari ulama-ulama besar di tanah haram, tak terkecuali dengan Syekh Ali.Dari sekian banyak murid Syekh Ali Al Banjari yang datang dari tanah Banjar dan kemudian menjadi ulama besar, di antaranya: KH Zainal Ilmi (Dalam Pagar), Syekh Sya’rani bin Haji Arif (Kampung Melayu), Syekh Muhammad Syarwani bin Haji Abdan (Bangil, Surabaya), Syekh Seman bin Haji Mulya (Keraton), Syekh Hasyim Mukhtar, Syekh Nasrun Thohir, Syekh Nawawi Marfu’, Syekh Abdul Karim bin Muhammad Amin Al Banjari (wafat di Makkah).

Berhenti Mengajar di Masjidil Haram
Setelah sekian lama tanah haram hidup tenang, dan Syekh Ali tenang menjalani rutinitasnya sebagai pengajar di Masjidil Haram, Saudi Arabia dilanda perpecahan. Perang antara kubu Syarif Husein (Turki Usmani) dengan kubu Muhammad Su’ud bin Abdul Aziz.

Peperangan tersebut tidak hanya berkisar perebutan daerah, tapi juga keyakinan dalam beragama. Kubu Muhammad Su’ud yang membawa keyakinan Wahabi kemudian membuat “onar” di tanah haram. Para ulama Ahlussunnah di zaman itu dipanggil, tak terkecuali dengan Syekh Ali.

Sempat terjadi perdebatan sengit antara Syekh Ali dengan ulama wahabi tentang firman Allah Ta’la, “Yadullah fauqa aidihim”(Al Fath ayat 10). Ulama Wahabi berpandangan lafaz “Yad” disana adalah tangan, dan Syekh Ali dengan tegas tidak menerima pandangan Mujassimah (menyerupakan Tuhan dengan makhluk, red) tersebut. Beliau cenderung dengan pandapat tafsir tentang ayat tersebut yang menyatakan: Bermula kekuasaan itu atas segala kekuasaan mereka itu. Lafadz “Yad” dimaknai Qudrat. Dalam debat itu, beliau menang telak atas ulama Wahabi. Sehingga, Syekh Ali yang tadinya akan dipancung, urung dilaksanakan.

Dalam masa peperangan itu-lah, Syekh Ali Al Banjari menitipkan anaknya Husin Ali kepada Syekh Kasyful Anwar Al Banjari untuk dibawa ke tanah Banjar. Syekh Kasyful Anwar adalah sahabat Syekh Ali ketika mengaji kepada Sayyid Abu Bakar Satha, yang juga keturunan Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari.Sejak perpecahan itu-lah Syekh Ali Al Banjari tak lagi mengajar di Masjidil Haram. Namun, beliau masih menerima orang-orang yang datang menemuinya. Baik yang menimba ilmu atau yang hanya meminta doa. Karena nama Syekh Ali tidak hanya besar disebabkan kedalaman ilmunya, tapi juga kemustajaban doanya. Sehingga, banyak orang yang datang menemuinya hanya untuk didoakan beliau.

Syekh Ali bin Abdullah Al Banjari wafat di Makkah Al Mukarromah, Kamis malam (Malam Jum’at) 12 Dzulhijjah 1307 Hijriyah dimakamkan di Mu’alla, Makkah.

(penulis: muhammad bulkini ibnu syaifuddin)

Hopefully useful for all friends ......

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