Having Babies Around

in #history6 years ago

Different societies around the world have special 'customs' for the birth of a baby:

• The Mbuti pygmies of the African rain forests tie a piece of jungle vibe around a new baby's waist. They attach a small piece of wood to the vibe to pass on the strength of the forest to the baby.
• The Ainu hunters of northern Japan make a tiny cut in a new baby's thigh. They dress the cut with fungi to pass on the magical power of sacred trees.
• The Nootka tribe, from the northwest coast of North America, believe that twins are magical. If a family has twins, the parents and children are kept apart from the rest of the tribe for four years, so their. Magical properties will develop.
• In many societies births are followed by a religious festival. In Christian countries babies are christened. They have the sign of the cross made on their forehead with holy water.

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