Mythology, truth and Mesopotamian teacher named Oannes

in #history7 years ago
Have you ever thought about mythology and its effect on our lives, if either they have any grain of truth or it is just a story that we are telling kids?

There are lots of different myths around the globe, some are more interesting than all of them, and some are similar to each another.

What mysteries are outthere looking to be discovered? Are we as a society the first specie inteligent or there was someone before us? Is the Atlantis just a myth or something more? Have you knew that Sphinx got water erosion traces? Are those pyramids as old as they say or they are much much older?

The Sumerians and Babylonians talked about Oannes, the mysterious being who brought them knowledge. An extraordinary sage taught

the people of Mesopotamia to build it, to create laws, and to explain the principles of geometry.
Watch out for the imagination of Oannes and his incredible wisdom is worth thinking about or coming from outer space.

Since the dawn of time, people have been telling tales of extraordinary divine beings who brought them knowledge and taught many useful things.
Members of ancient cultures attributed these creatures to extraordinary wisdom and versatile abilities. Former people even recognized
that these mysterious beings were responsible for the construction of their civilization. Tales of the divine teachers passed on almost
all the ancient cultures. The Incidents talked about the mysterious being called Wirakocza. The Persians described a god known as Ahura Mazda,
who brought them knowledge. The great sage who taught the Egyptians was Osiris. In turn, the creator of the Mayan civilization was to be
enigmatic Kukulkan.

In other cultures we also find relationships about intriguing characters such as Tangaroa, Bep Kororoti, Nommu, Tiki
and many, many others. All these beings were very knowledgeable and came to the people of heaven. Are their relationships just myths and
legends, or did extinct beings in the first place make contact with the first humans and help them build the civilization? It is worth reflecting
on this issue by analyzing the accounts of perhaps the oldest such teacher to be mysterious Oannes.

Lets not forget that Mesopotamia was one of the very first higly developed civilizations which was created by Summerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians
Its story starts at 3100 Before Christian and ends in 539 Before Christian when it was conquered by Achaemenid Empire which fell to Alexander
the Great in 332 Before Christian.
Mesopotamia itself is a land between rivers which is translated from Ancient greek. Those rivers were Tigris-Euphrat which in modern times is most of Iraq
eastern parts of Syria, southeastern Turkey and regions along Turkish-Syrian and Iran-Iraq borders.

The members of these cultures had a highly developed system of religious beliefs in which a whole body of divine beings was coming from the sky.
The most famous are the Anunnaki, a group of extraordinary creatures commanded by Enki and Enlil. But in Mesopotamia people also reported on a group
of seven teachers called Apkall who brought people culture and civilization. Each of the seven sages taught people by giving them knowledge on various
subjects. The oldest and most important of the teachers was the mysterious being Sumer and the Babylonians called Adapa or Uanna. Reports about this
character have been circulated for thousands of years, and at the turn of the fourth and third centuries BC, they were written by the Babylonian
historian Berossos. In his work The History of Babylon, he described the essence of the Greek name Oannes

In Babylon there were many peoples in these days who lived in barbaric ways, like beasts in the field. In the first year off the coast of the Eritrean waters off the coast of Babylonia, Oannes appeared. His whole body was like that of a fish, but under his head fish he had one more head, and at the bottom of the foot was like a human attached to a fish's tail. His voice and language were also human.

The description of Oannes's appearance indicates that he could be dressed in something that resembles a suit or suit. Of course, people from those years did not know modern terminology, so they described what they saw with the words and concepts they were using at the time. 'Fish-like body' could have been the term used to describe the suit Oannes wore. In turn, a human-like head beneath the fish head can be described as an astronaut helmet wearing Oannes, who looked from behind his translucent shell on the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. Human-like feet could be the term for the specialized footwear he possessed, and the 'fish tail' could be a reference to a motor or a device that supplies the necessary ingredients. If Oannes were actually an alien from another planet, he would not be able to breathe freely without proper equipment.

A moment later Berossos writes:

The creature in the day was among the people, but nothing during that time did eat or drink.

Apparently, the irrelevant view is very important, because the relationships between beings who eat or drink are not found in other cultures. In the same manner, the archangel Raphael, who accompanied the prophet Tobias, behaved in the same way:

I am Rafa, one of the seven angels who stand ready and come before the majesty of the Lord. [...] You saw that I did not eat anything, you only had vision. And here I am entering the One who sent me. Describe all that has come to you "
(Tobiah 12: 15-20).

Berossos later described Oannes as follows:

He was given the opportunity to read his letters and teachings and all sorts of art. He taught them how to build cities, find places under temples, create laws, and explain the principles of geometry. He said how to distinguish grains and taught how to harvest fruit. In other words, he taught them everything so they could make their lives more human. When the sunset came, the creature, Oannes, returned to the sea and spent the night there.

There is a fascinating ancient description of the being Sumerians and Babylonians have seen and tried to describe with their own words. The story of Oannes is so interesting that even the famous astronomer and science fighter Carl Sagan became interested in her. In his book 'Intelligent Life in the Universe' published in 1966, he described Oannes as an example of possible contact with extraterrestrials in antiquity. Sagan wrote that beings such as Oannes could be aliens who were interested in teaching humanity, and with their emergence a great cultural change.

The story of Oannes is yet another example of an extraordinary teacher who taught the first people. Is it just a myth that has no real cover, or do figures like Oannes really exist? The number of accounts of divine sages that we find in non-contact cultures is astonishing. Perhaps the advanced extraterrestrial civilization came to Earth long ago and its representatives taught the first people by giving them knowledge on various topics.

My question is, have we had a contact with alien beings in past or those aliens were just a humans that lived in different times but their world was destroyed in a conflict and only small groups managed to survive in cities like Atlantis or it is nothing more than a myth? What is your answer?
If you liked this material i am looking forward to make some more, maybe about Pyramids and their age and connection between Sphinx and empty space under him that is being described in myths as a library of others.

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