NO.5中国古代青铜器将历史与审美相融合, Chinese bronze,the integration of history and aesthetics

in #history7 years ago (edited)


provides glimpses into China's rich art and cultural heritage.

“國之大事,在祀与戎”。祀所以慎终追远,敬畏神明,戎所以捍卫社稷,佑民蕃息,正所谓敬天保民。 《左傳》:“漢東之國,隨為大。”隨州之盛,古有稱焉。


青铜器作为中华文化瑰宝,几千年来一 直深受人们喜爱。其独特的器形、精美的纹 饰、典雅的铭文向人们展示了中华民族的精 美工艺、灿烂文化和历史源流,因此被史学家 们称为“活的史书”。  

从已发现的各类青铜器的造型和装饰来看,自夏始,中经商、西周、春秋、战国直到秦汉,每一时期既表现出各自的风格和特 点,相互间又有沿袭、演变和发展,进而形成 了独具特色的中国青铜文化艺术。在我国青铜器艺术发展史上曾经有过两个高峰,一个是商代晚期,一个是战国时期。商代晚期的青铜器,其质量和数量都得到空前的发展和 提高,制作精良、纹饰繁缛、形制奇诡、图案丰富多彩,体现了商代人尚鬼的神秘气氛。战国时期的青铜器,则富于生活气息,注重 实用而别出心裁,华贵绚丽又不失大雅。并 且,此时的纹饰已从过去奔放的粗花,变为工整的细花,并向图案化方向发展,已无神秘色彩。在制作工艺上,最突出的是错金银、嵌红铜、包金银、鎏金和细刻镂等新技术的发明和应用






The ancient Chinese bronze casting is the important part of ancient Chinese bronze culture.The Chinese bronzes of concern here are ancient vessels, weapons, and mirrors from the beginnings of bronze metallurgy in China, dating from about 1500 B.C.E.up through the T’ang Dynasty. 

The motifs are classic Chinese ones that are variations on themes that go all the way back to Zhou dynasty bronzes Usually the casting was done into ceramic piece-molds fashioned from the local earth, which in many areas was typical windblown loess or yellow earth (Gettens 1969:107–14; Freestone et al. 1969; Holmes and Harbottle 1991). Loess has a high content of small, sharp, fractured silica grains and—with some levigation or treat-ment to separate coarser from finer material—forms the basis for the ceramic tech-nology to create the bronze molds. The inner side of the mold is the surface that makes contact with the molten bronze and defines the decoration and detail of the casting. The mold construction for a fang ding is shown in Figures 1 and 2 (Chase 1991:24–25).

参考 reference Chinese Bronzes:Casting, Finishing, Patination,and Corrosion

The main manufacture technology of ancient Chinese bronzes was piece-mould casting, the framework of which has not been established yet.

NO.4 “战国神话”银首人形铜灯 Gilt Bronze Human-Shaped Lamp of the Warring States period

NO.3山东青州博物馆里的佛像精彩绝伦,The Buddha statue in the Qingzhou Museum in ShandongNO.2秦始皇兵马俑 Mausoleum of the First Qin EmperorNO.1汉代摇钱树 Money Tree in the Eastern Han Dynasty

NO.2秦始皇兵马俑 Mausoleum of the First Qin EmperorNO.1汉代摇钱树 Money Tree in the Eastern Han Dynasty

NO.1汉代摇钱树 Money Tree in the Eastern Han Dynasty


@bibliophile, 教育乃国之兴旺根本大计!支持!

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