the story of the Caliph Aaron ar-Rashid and priests Muhammad bin Idris (امم الشافعي رحمه الله)

in #history7 years ago

Good night friends stemian's all special from Aceh

On this happy occasion I would like to tell a very valuable story for the reflection for those of us who are Muslims especially let us to the people of Aceh which is one of the regions that have the strongest shari'ah in Indonesia

This story I quote from a yellow book which is our food as a true Muslim ahlussunah wal jamaah around the world


In a saga of the imam المالقى in his شرح that the Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid (the Khalifah of Baghdad during the imam's imam الشافعى priest of our School) sent a message to a servant of GOD named محمد بن ادريس الشافعي رحمه الله to appeal to the Shafi'i priest to allow for him to marry him a slave of his brother named موسى الهدى and is Aaron Ar-Rashid indeed has sworn he will not marry the slave with a vow of banya and one of the rewards of his oath is he will walk to the Holy Mosque with no wear footwear

after Imam Shafi'i knew about the oath it was firmly menolah request Khalifah because the act violates the rules of religion and it turns out that the Caliph did not accept the decision imam الشافعى and had bluffed and threatened the imam

At that time the Shafi'i priest who was struck by the threat of the Aaron Caliph immediately turned and returned with a slight feeling of distress in the heart

When he came to his home and he immediately prayed his prayers until he fell asleep in his prayer place in his sleep he saw as if he was standing in the presence of Allah SWT and called to him يا محمد تثبت على دين محمد واياك ايك ان تحيد فتضل وتصل الست بامام القوم means " yes Muhammad bin Idris you remain in the religion of Muhammad and uphold all matters according to the rules of his religion because if you blame him then go astray is your people not you a priest ?? "

And there is no doubt upon you in rectifying the truth read this verse انا جعلنا في اعناقهم اغلالا فهي الا الذقان فهم مقمحون and waking up is he and he also immediately read the verse

And it came at the time of the morning prayer after his prayer arrived was rather lazy and by the time he was almost asleep he heard again the voice of the cry that "if Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid come to you do not be afraid and read the prayer '
اللهم اني اشكو اليك ضعف قوتي وقلة حيلتى وهو انى على النس يا ارحم الراحمين انت ربي للمستضعفين وانت ربى الى من تكلني الى عدو بعيد يتجهمني ام الى صديق قريب ملكتهامري إن لم يكن لك على غضب فما ابتلى ولكن عافيتك اوسعلي اعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أشرقت له الظلمات و صلح أمر الدنيا والآخرة ان ينزل بي وسمعت قرع الغضبك أو يحل سخطاك لك الحمد حتى ترضى ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بك
After completing the prayer there was a voice behind the door of his house and he immediately opened the door of the house and it turns out that came the prime minister Caliph Harun he said to him O my Imam commanded by the Caliph to face him when he arrived to the palace of the Caliph directly welcomed him with a smile who and the Caliph said to him "you are righteous true Moslem and righteous leader is like you are priest" you will still uphold the law even though you are abused by you know ima faqih imam I have been warned last night on your right home go O Imam quietly there will be no one who will disturb you and after that the Caliph rewards the high priest الثفعي رحمه الله تعالى عنه as many as a hundred dirhams immediately distributed by the priest to all the people of Baghdad in front of the Caliph without leaving a single bit for himself his

That's it

Look forward to a good story about other religions in my next post and do not forget to follow and vote and if you restructure better



Sejarah yang sangat memukau @bashri,patut untuk dikenang..Good post kawan..👍👍

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