
I so appreciate it annephilbrick! I don't even know myself because it was so early in his life, he was in his twenties but I'll find out tomorrow. thank you so much.

He is off to a facinating start in his 20's

howdy back annephilbrick...yes Ma'am so many of these guys back then were doing substantial things at a very young age but then most people didn't live very long so I guess they wanted to get started right away.

Sorry I don't have the next part of his story ready today, I'm just too far behind but I should have one tomorrow.

I was a bit wild and crazy in my 20's
But I cant top these characters.
I was arrested once..

oohhhh..arrested! for what? streaking? lol. remember that craze in the 70s?

Was not streaking...!!!!
My grandmother would have killed me...
Thus I would not be alive to be on Steemit it right now.


not telling! what the?? lol.
ok well I understand, this would be telling the whole world in a sense!

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