Happy birthday, Simpsons Family!!!

in #history4 years ago


31 years ago, as the iron curtain was falling down in Central and Eastern Europe, a guy named Matt Groening launched what was going to be one of the best shows in television history, namely The Simpsons.

The Simpsons was inspired by his life, as his father bears the name of Homer. Bart was also some inspiration he had before, as this was the rebel kid that always seemed to got away.

By the way, because of Bart, the show is forbidden in many countries, as China, Russia or Venezuela. All very democratic and exemplary countries, so to say. Maybe Bart can start a revolt there and this is why they are so afraid of him.

I followed them for many years,till there was the mindset change. At the start, The Simpsons have been very comical and satirical, I can say even stereotypical comical. With the brainwashing political correctness, the show needed to change and lost it's taste and spice. Actors needed to be replaced because of their skin color (sound racist, doesn't it?), characters have been changed. Everyone liked Apu before, now Apu isn't fun anymore.

Just imagine Married with children today. :)

I hope that this trend of ruining good humor will stop and we shall threat this show as it is, satire and irony.

Nevertheless, I enjoy watching it and I'm happy to be able to grow with them up.

So happy birthday The Simpsons!!!




30 Jahre sind das schon.... mein Gott.
Ja, am Anfang war alles ziehmlich subversiv, das war ja das besondere daran. Die Seasons 1 -10 hab ich noch auf DVD, aber in den 2000ern begann sich das Ganze abzunutzen. Die Show war ja berühmt, mit Emmys überhäuft ( und mit Geld), da wollte man ja nichts aufs Spiel setzen. Mit Futurama wars übrigens ähnlich, nur da gings schneller.

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