Deep Wading: When You Gotta Drive Your Tank UNDERWATER.

in #history7 years ago (edited)


Holy fucking shit, underwater tanks! Is your dick as hard as mine yet? If it isn't, you're not paying attention. As if tanks weren't already unstoppable killing machines and marvels of military engineering, select models have historically (and in the present day) boasted the ability to drive fully submerged while the crew stays dry and breathes constantly replenished fresh air.


This is a capability which dates back to World War Two. Many German tanks were too heavy for bridges in less developed parts of Europe, and so "waded" across those rivers instead. But rivers deeper than the height of the tank presented a unique engineering problem they solved by adding das schnorkel (German for "the schnorkel".)


There's no need for ballasting, as tanks are already tremendously heavy and the crew compartment is a relatively small portion of their size. Deep wading works the same way as underwater ATV and jeep videos you may have seen on Youtube, where a snorkel is used to supply air for the engine, except in tanks the entire crew compartment is made water tight. A life support system which replenishes oxygen in the air and removes CO2 using sodalime powder is also employed.


The deepest wading tank of this type ever devised was a Soviet model with a depth capability of fifty feet. That's about as deep as the Aquarius Reef Base. Imagine sitting inside watching fish out the window when a Soviet tank rolls by on the seabed, just outside.


Newer designs typically use a telescopic crew tower to solve the main problem with deep wading tanks: The crew becoming stuck and dying either by drowning or life support running out should the tank become disabled while underwater. Being entombed underwater is a pretty horrible way to go, so as you might imagine the prior versions of deep wading tanks which had only a snorkel for air were not very popular with their crews.


Modern deep wading tanks don't differ technologically very much from their ancestors, with respect to the design considerations for operating underwater. I can foresee improvement on this front however. Sufficiently energy dense batteries could permit tanks to approach shore with no snorkel or any other visible surface element, having been deployed from beneath a nuclear submarine.

They might then switch over to diesel once above water, losing none of their normal range, but now able to simply roll up out of the ocean onto land with no warning. Then again depending how quickly AI develops, those tanks might be unmanned, which eliminates the need for a pressure hull and life support machinery as well.

Of course it's perverse to plan for technological improvement with a view to becoming more efficient at mass murder. But the way in which war has historically driven the rapid progress of technologies which then had productive peace time uses continues to be a major source of fascination for me.


Stay Cozy!


Is it like the tanks can fulfill the purpose of a submarine in water and act as a tank while over the ground. In this way it would much more helpful in combat operations.

If one can operate it also while in water then it may be much more helpful at times and prove to be a genuine war equipment of versatile nature.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

What the shit. Have these ever been used in combat operations?
I'd rather be the guy looking for bombs with a metal detector than the sap in the snorkel tank. Shit's a deathtrap, I'm really astounded they still make them in the modern era.

The modern ones have a snorkel large enough in diameter for humans to climb up through should the tank become stuck though.

In the modern era is now a wide range of unique things done, along with the development of technology it is impossible so perhaps, as mentioned above @alexbeyman

What fuckin you saying , Tanks under water.
This is so interesting. after reading the title i was thinking that there will be something funny inside it. I never thought that the tanks can work under water too.
Thanks for sharing it and letting us know about the history behind it.

i have seen them in movies..but have never heard or read this much about them..i wonder about the technology they have used here..and my personal belief is that if people can use this knowledge on something better other than wars the world would have been a better place..anyway thanks to you i could learn alot from this :)

Very interesting.

Tanks are fascinating to evaluate as an engineering challenge. They need massive amounts of heavy armor to be survivable, which requires more powerful engines and decreases range and speed.

Too slow, and your design won't survive long. Too little armor, and it won't either. Other than a limited engine snorkel, I'm not aware of any US tanks to employ this design currently.

That massive snorkel that accommodates people getting out through it (in what I'm assuming is a Chinese or Korean design based on the photo) seems like it would likely add weight and complexity. Tanks also obviously need room to store ammunition, which is very heavy and bulky for the main gun.

Military doctrine is usually (when feasible) to soften an enemy position with artillery and/or airstrikes, then move in with ground troops to secure it. Tanks are a blessing for otherwise soft and squishy infantry, which usually follow just behind and take advantage of the mobile cover. Upon contact, the tanks engage the enemy with a 20mm+ machine gun or their main gun, then the infantry mops up. Of course this is for larger, full scale engagements.

Now if you're in a geography with lots of relatively shallow lakes or rivers, seeing a couple of these monsters suddenly rise up out of there to pound your position before you can counter-attack would be a nightmare.

While AI is advancing by leaps and bounds, I'll bet good money that kill authority will not be granted to anything not directly controlled or ordered by a human for at least 20+ years, if ever. At least not by actual nations. Insurgencies / terrorists will use anything expedient.

WTF is this underwater tanks :O Oh shit this is amazing! We can't put submarines in every water tanks :D But we can do it via those tanks! Amazing :D


I hadn't heard of this before., I am not surprised though. Have you seen some of the videos of Russian logging trucks going though rivers? Those are super impressive.

We live in the new era. Soon tanks will not only run underwater but make ice cream, raise chickens and even blow the balloons!

Heck, this is all kinds of awesome in its own way. I can totally see a movie about underwater tanks directed by Michael Bay.

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