Wife Burned Alive: "Till Death Don’t Us Part"

in #history7 years ago (edited)

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Based on the official notes from Ma Huan, member of Cheng Ho expedition to Java, Indonesia in 1413 & 1415 AD. Ma Huan visit The Kingdom of Majapahit and witnessed an unusual ritual.

When a husband died and cremated, his wife must dance and jump into the fire and burned alive with their beloved husband.

This ritual is called ‘Sati.

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It happened not only in Indonesia but also in India. This ritual was considered as the highest symbol of loyalty especially in the husband & wife relationship. The highest number of women that willing to be burned with their dead husband were first recorded in India. Because this ritual was recognized and held in all Indian Caste System.

In 326 BC, Aristobulus from Cassandreia watched this ritual in Taxila (now Pakistan). This is the first public record of Sati-practice.

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Even though this ritual was highly praised by adherents of Hinduism but it caused concerns among intellectuals and middle class. They started distributing pamphlets and started to change the paradigm in society that this ritual is actually a suicidal act and should be accounted for by the law.

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So the reformation began and Bengal Sati Regulation 1829 was born. Bengal Code was a legal act promulgated in British Indiaunder East India Company rule, by the then Governor-General Lord William Bentinck, which made the practice of sati or suttee — or the immolation of a Hindu widow on the funeral pyre of her deceased husband — illegal in all jurisdictions of British India and subject to prosecution.

But there is a difference between the Sati-ritual in India and the one in Indonesia. In Java & Bali, the ritual not only involved the wife but also their servants and concubines. And before they all jump into the fire they will stabbed their self using Keris, traditional blade from Java. Sometimes executioner will stabbed the servants & concubines a few times before throwing them into the fire with their master.


As time goes by, this ritual has been abandoned and people start to use a proper funeral for their loved ones.

But from this interesting history, we now realize why people use the vow “Till Death Do Us Part” in their wedding. Because it doesn’t make sense if a wife must die because her husband died.

Life must go on.

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