The Legend of Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia

in #history8 years ago (edited)

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Once upon a time, there lived a young farmer orphaned in North Sumatra. The location is very dry. The young man was living from farming and fishing, until one day when he was fishing, he had a half day of fishing, but none of the fish obtained by him.

So he hurried home for the day began late at night, but when he was about to leave he saw a large fish and the beautiful golden yellow. He  also catches fish and soon she took home the fish, when he got home he was very hungry and he wanted to cook that fish. But because of the beauty of that fish, he thought better to cook the fish, he would prefer to keep him, and then he put it in a large container and feed that fish.

Next day as usual he went to his farm to farming, and until noon he went home. With the aim of going to lunch, but it would surprise him, when he saw his house has provided dishes ready to eat, he was so appalled, he remembered the fish for fear of being stolen by other people, with rushes he ran to the back to see the fish which he got yesterday. That fish is still in place, he thought for a long time, who did all that, but because the stomach is hungry, he finally ate greedily the food. 

And this incident continues over and over again, every time he came home to eat, the food was served at his home. Until  the young man has a plan for a peek at who's doing all of that, the  next morning he began to perform his plan, he began hiding in the woods  near his home. Long  he waited, but the smoke in the kitchen of his house had not yet seen,  and he intended to return for having tired of the long wait, but so  he'll come out of hiding, he began to see smoke in the kitchen of his  house, slowly he walked to the rear his house to see who is doing all of that.

He surprised when he saw who did it, he saw a woman who was very pretty and  beautiful long-haired, with a slowly he entered his house and arrested  the woma

Then he said, "Hi.. ladies, who are you, and where do you come from?"

The woman was bowed silently, and began to shed tears, and the young man had seen the fish was not in the container. 

He then asked the woman, "hi ladies where are fish in this container?"

The woman was getting sobbing, but the young man kept insisting and finally she also said, "I was the fish that you catch yesterday."

The young man was shocked, but because the young man felt he had hurt her, the young man said, "Hi ladies will you be my wife?"

The woman was surprised, he was silent and bowed, 

Then the young man said, "why are you silent?"

Then the woman said, "I want to be your wife .. but with a requirement"

"What are the requirement?" replied the young man quickly asked

She said, "Later, if our children are born and grow up, do not you ever say that he was the son of fish".

The young man was agreeing to these terms and vowed never to say it, and they finally married.

Until they have a child who was 6 years old, the child was very naughty and never heard if advised. Then one day the mother asked him to deliver rice to his father in the fields. The boy went to his father drove rice, but on the way he feels hungry, he opened the wrapped food for his father, and eat the food. When finished eating, then he wrapped it back up and continue to go to the place of his father. When he got in the field, he gives the package to his father, with a very happy his father accepted it, and his father sat down and immediately unwrapped the rice entrusted his wife to his son. Then the father was shocked to see the contents of the package. There was only the bones of fish. 

The father also asked his son, "why the contents of this package is only a mere fish bones?",

His son also said, "On the way, my stomach feels hungry so I ate it"

And father was very emotional, the stronger he slapped his cheek while saying, "Son of Fish!!!"

This boy cried and ran back home. When he got home he was asking what was said his father, "Mom, is it true dad said to me? Did I really son of fish?" 

Heard the words of his son, the mother was shocked, in tears and said in his heart, "my husband had broken his oath, and now I have to go back to my place"

Then the sky was getting dark, the lightning was grabbed, rainstorm  began was falling, the child and the mother disappeared, from the  footprints they appear spring with water is very heavy. Until the area formed a lake, named Lake Tuba which means the lake does not  know mercy. But because Batak clan peoples are hard to say Tuba, then the lake is often described by LAKE TOBA.

According to local residents, the mother again changed to be a very large fish (keeper of the lake), and will cost some once a year, and until now no one can measure the depth of the lake. Because it has a lot of tourists who try to dive into the lake but never returned. The depth of the lake in the books are only estimates, not actual. 

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