My Daughter is 6 Years! Birthday Party in Old Russian Style. Old Russian Traditions History is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in #history6 years ago

Hello everyone!

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I am happy to tell you about a birthday party of my daughter who was 6 years old on the 24th of September.

She was counting days and nights till her birthday and I was thinking a lot how to arrange for everything,

There were several options like aqua park, entertaining center etc. But I wanted something more interesting and unusual.

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Emily is on the left

So, we have chosen a party in the Museum of Alive History. There are many different programs there but we were recommended a party in Russian style.

The idea was that many many years ago a rich merchant hid treasures. And the kids should find them but there were lot of tasks they needed to fulfill.

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And meantime the guide told them different interesting facts, e.g. why a kopeck was called like that. The thing was that George Conqueror was depicted on a kopeck and he had a spear (копьё) in his hand. And the name of a kopeck derived from this word.

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They were told how to wash without a washing machine))

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Many interesting facts about an oven. It was not only for cooking and heating but people slept there or when newborn kids were sick they were put inside a warm oven.

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The kids were learnt how to use an oven grip

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Heavy iron

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All tasks were written on leather pieces

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Now the kids know how to get water if there is no water supply

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how to spin wool into yarn

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We all tried old Russian games

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Godfather of our daughter tried it too

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Puzzle from letters on pies

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how to do archery

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Finally treasure is here

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Love forever

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Their faces say that time flies

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Pizza time

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Who doesn't know I am still in the program of healthy nutrition and I am cooking and cooking and cooking. )))

Love, yours @aksinya.


Such a beautiful party!!! At first: happy birthday to your daughter! It looked like really a traditional party and wow, really awesome traditional dresses and things!!! Thanks to share it with us ^_^

Thank you so much, dear Silvia! I am so happy to see you!

Happy Birthday to the young lady. 😎

thank you, dear @ace108

you're welcome

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