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RE: Die Erfindung des modernen Buchdrucks // The invention of modern letterpress printing

in #history5 years ago

Dear Anna,
I can't tell you how excited I was to read this when I saw the subject of this week's blog. The importance of movable print and the uniform production of books cannot be overstated:

More and more people gained access to knowledge, which revolutionized the economic, political, cultural and religious life of the people.

Yes, yes, yes.

You manage to cover the history of print so competently in the space of a blog. The pictures are gorgeous. It's apt that the page you show from the Gutenberg Bible is from Genesis, because the print press was a kind of birth. As you well express, the modern age would not have been possible without this invention.

Not only was information accessible, but its production was reliably uniform. A century before Gutenberg, the book describing Marco Polo's travels (called by various names) was produced, but nobody really knows what the original copy of that book was like. Because the book wasn't printed. There are various versions floating around.

Imagine the gift it would be to us today if we had reliable, printed copies of the original book.

You do such meticulous research. And you present your information in such an attractive format. I can imagine the work, and pleasure that go into this effort.

You can tell, I am really animated by your subject this week. Great job.
With respect and admiration and affection,
Your New York friend,


Dear AG,

So much recognition and appreciation! You know how happy I feel about that. Thank you very much for that. 🌷

It's amazing (no, I'm not really surprised about that), but I had similar thoughts about the Genesis page in the Gutenberg Bible. The invention of the printing press paved the way for a new age, an age of knowledge and enlightenment. The alphabetisation of the population was probably one of the most important achievements. By the way, I haven't read the book about Marco Polo's travels yet, I definitely have to catch up.

My museum visits are very inspiring. I always discover something new that I want to know more about. Then I start researching. I often have to to restrict myself when writing, because a lot of things that seem important to me have no place in a blog post. But researching, photographing and writing gives me a lot of pleasure. Sometimes I would like to have more time for it.

I wish you a wonderful weekend with a lot of time for what fulfills you. 🌞

With great affection,

Dear Anna,🌸
There may be an ocean and a bit of land separating us. Perhaps more than a generation in age, but much sympathy in temperament and interest is obvious.
My love for research, learning and writing is a bit out of the ordinary, I think. But here I see you dedicate your time to a similar degree.
I think if people just looked for those similarities, and ignored the differences...what a great world this would be 😇
A couple of years ago I wrote and self-published a book on Chinese art. To what end? None, except the joy of doing it and the hope that the book would build bridges between two cultures--East and West. In my book I describe, briefly, the origin of block printing. I also refer to Marco Polo, someone who built a bridge between East and West. As for his book: there are those who think it is fiction, and those who think it is not. I don't think it was even written by him, but no one has an original copy. At this point, the book is a matter of historical curiosity. Perhaps I read it long ago, or remember reading about it. To be truthful, I'm not certain. So don't fault yourself:)
Your blog is rich for me, an exercise in language and culture. Ah Steemit, it does have value, no matter the lament of its detractors.
Have a most glorious and satisfying weekend. 🌼🌼
Your admiring audience and friend from across the sea,

Dear AG,

Outer distances or age differences don't matter if you feel connected with someone in your mind and heart. 🌼

Your remark that you wrote a book about Chinese art made me curious. So I followed the link on your Steemit-blog. What I found there impresses me very much.

The origin of the Rhythm Prism Publishing project is touching. Encouraging people and helping them to record their memories or to share their knowledge and experiences is a wonderful task. I'm sure you bring your great experience and skills as an educator, author and researcher to the project in a the best way.

Your books, which I found on the website and also on Amazon, cover an incredibly wide range of topics. And this is probably only a part of what you wrote. So much knowledge that you have acquired over time! I can well imagine how much research and passion for writing you have put into these books.

Your book on Asian art must be very interesting. You can never try enough to build bridges between people or cultures. Last year I took a Sabbatical. I started listening to lectures on Art history at the University. This semester would be an introduction to Asian art, which I unfortunately can't attend due to my job. In a few years, when I'm retired, I'd like to get more involved with art and culture. Hopefully I'll then find more time to write about it too.

With us, Sunday is slowly coming to an end, while most of it is still ahead of you. May it bring you many happy hours! 🌞

In great affection I send you warm greetings over the ocean,

Dear Anna,
Thank you for following that link. I'm very discreet and don't usually talk about my activities away from Steemit.

Books, ah books. My family moved to New York City when I was 11. That was my introduction to the public library--my first regular access to books. I don't think I stopped reading for 2 years 😄 I wrote my first book when I was 64, so you have much joy waiting for you!

I'm glad you had the Sabbatical and that it whet your appetite for more. You are a wonderful writer and I think you would have made a great teacher. You love to learn and gently share what you know.

I hope you let me know when you write that first book 🌟

With affection and regard,🌻🌻
Your friend from across the sea, in very chilly New York,

Dear AG,

I do understand very well that you want to protect your privacy.

I think you would have made a great teacher.

Imagine I've really been a teacher for over 35 years now! 😄 I deal with balance sheets and sober figures, so my interest for art and culture is a wonderful balance to it.

It's amazing that you only wrote your first book at the age of 64. So I still have a little time to prepare for it. 😂

Have a nice afternoon! All the best from
Anna from Vienna (aka vieanna) 🌷

✎ 📕 🌟

🌼 🌼 😇

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