history of the crusade

in #histori7 years ago

A number of military expeditions launched by Christians against Muslim forces in the period 1096 - 2073 AD are known as crusades. This is because of the allegations that the Christians in launching the attacks were motivated by religious motivation, in addition they used the symbol of the cross. But if examined more deeply will be seen there are some individual interests that also color this crusade. Here are some of the causes behind the crusade.

First, that the crusade is the culmination of a number of conflicts between western and eastern countries, he explained between the Christians and the Muslims. The rapid development and progress of Muslims, in recent years, has raised the concerns of Christian western figures. Encouraged by this anxiety, then they launch an attack on the Muslim forces.

Second, the emergence of the Seljuq Seljuq forces that captured Asia Minor after defeating the Byzantine army in Manzikart in 1071, and then the Saljuk captured Baitul Maqdis from the Fatimids in 1078 AD The Seljuq power of Asia Minor and Jerusalem was regarded as an obstacle for western Christians to exercise pilgrimage to Bait al-Maqdis.

whereas what happens is that Christian parties are free to perform Hajj in droves. the Christians spread rumors of the Saljuq Turkish cruel treatment of Christian pilgrims. This rumor burns the anger of Christians-Europeans.

army became the ruler of trade routes in the central ocean. The merchants of Pisa, Vinesia, and Cenoa were troubled by the presence of the Islamists as the lord of the trade route in the middle seas. The only way to expand and facilitate their trade is to urge Muslim forces from this ocean "

Alexis Comnenus's propaganda to) aus Urbanus ll. To avenge his defeat in battle against the Seljuq forces. That the pope is the highest source of authority in the west that the propaganda hears and obeys. Pope Urban II soon assembled Christian figures on November 26, 1095 in Clermont, southeast of France.

In his speech in Clermont the Pope ordered the followers of Christians to take up arms against the season forces.

The Pope's main aim at the time was to extend his influence so that the Roman churches would be sheltered under his authority. In his propaganda, the Pope Urban II promises forgiveness for all sins for those who are willing to join in this battle. So the issue of Christian unity immediately echoed the Christian countries to fulfill this Pope's call.

Within a short time about 150,000 Christian troops flocked to meet the pope, they gathered in Constantinople. Most of these troops are the French and the Norm

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