Main stream media in Denmark: Trump must be demonized, Hillary must be glorified

in #hillary8 years ago

I am an anarchist / voluntaryist and do not support any of the presidential candidates in the United States. But I cannot avoid noticing almost daily, that it seems as if the mainstream press in Denmark is set to demonize Trump, whereas Hillary is glorified.

Hillary For Prison 2016

At I write this - headlines on the home page of the danish paper Berlingske Tidende says as follows:

  • A experts' verdict: Trump's economic plan could lead to global crisis
  • Top-Republicans: Trump would be the most ruthless president in American history
  • Trump 2.0 attempts with fresh start
  • Trump told 71 lies in one hour

While there is not a single article on Hillary Clinton, although there is enough to investigate:

  • Her private e-mail server with classified information, which she used officially when she was US Secretary of State. An e-mail server that was vulnerable to hacking - and FBI let her go.
  • WikiLeaks reveals that with the help of the Democratic Party (DNC) Bernie Sanders was crushed and she got the nomination as the democratic presidential nominee.
  • Clinton Foundation where she and the Clinton family is suspected to receive large donations from foreigners who then got special favors from Hillary when she was US Secretary of State.
  • Clinton Foundation is now suspected to have been used as an illegal "tax havens" and IRS is said to have started an investigation
  • Benghazi
  • And the latest about Hillary is Wikileaks claiming they can prove that Hillary Clinton has been involved in selling weapons to ISIS in Syria.

Where were we, aaah yes, Trump is undoubtedly a racist.



Trump should be jailed for life and Hillary Clinton should be exiled permanently.

Get the same idea when I read Bloomberg.

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