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RE: A Cold Sunday Hike to a Frozen Waterfall

in #hiking7 years ago

This is a really nice post , I got cold just looking at it though. That is amazing that the water below the falls had frozen thick enough to support the weight of all those people who ventured out on it to get a closer look.
The thing about water that is really fascinating in my opinion is that it is the only element that I am aware of the reacts the opposite of other elements when exposed to cold and heat.
It expands in the cold temperature to the point of freezing. Where other elements contract when temperatures get colder.
Conversely when heated it contracts and will vaporize if the temperature gets to high, and other elements will expand when heated.
You two make a great looking couple, btw, thanks for all the photos showing the contrast from summer and the current conditions. Looks like an enjoyable place to visit for outdoor enthusiasts.
Until next time,


Always good to see you stop by for a comment, @sultnpapper!

Thank you for the kind words about my wife and me. I'll pass that along to her, and I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

I was also amazed at how thick the ice was in the pool area. Here's a better photo of the "swimming hole" part from another visit to the falls last March (there's a bit of ice still there). You can see that it's fairly deep:

When we walked out on the ice, it was very thick. Someone had gotten curious and attempted to dig down, but they had not gotten close to the water's normal surface after digging almost 2 feet. I'm not sure if some snow got dumped on top of the frozen ice or what, but keep in mind it had not been above freezing in over a week, and the lows at night were in the single digits F, which would have felt even cooler down in the creek-bed thanks to the properties of water (evaporative cooling).

So it felt perfectly safe to tread out onto the ice, and it wasn't too slippery across the flat surface since so many people had been there. It felt more like snow than ice. There were some slippery portions, though, especially up next to the actual waterfall.

The properties of water never cease to amaze, especially in my research when I'm considering dispersing or dissolving various things into water. The more you study it, the more fascinating it is.

Thank you for stopping by to read this post. I appreciate your comments!

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