My families summer adventure in the mountains.

in #hiking6 years ago

8 days hiking in the Northern Norway and Sweden,

Day 1-3


The mountains in the border between Northern Norway and Sweden have many opportunities for hiking. The area is from around 600 m hight, with lush valleys to alpine mountains higher than 1000 meter above the sea with glaciers. There are lots of lakes and rivers with possibilities for fishing. Many of the lakes are 2 - 4 day's march away from roads or railroad and not often visited by people. If you are lucky it is possible to observe Wolverine, Arctic fox, reindeer and moose. It is also a diverse birdlife in the area. We observed several couple of Rough-legged hawk, and different kind of birds as ducks and grouse. On several tracks there are cabins for rent. You make your own food and get a bed. When sleep over in cabins and not in tent you can carry less. Our backpacks for 8 days was between 10 and 15 kilo.

Day 1, Båtsvannet to Gautelis cabin, 7,5 km.

The track this day is 900 to 1000 m. above sea level and have not much vegetation, some gras and moss. We where lucky with the weather, it was 24 degrees celsius and a light breeze. A perfect start on the hike.

Ida, Maja and Thea are ready for adventure.

The peak in the background is 1500 m high.


There are several streams and rivers to cross in the mountain.


The Gautelis cabin where we stayed the first night.

Day 2, Gautelis to Hukejaure, 16,5 km.

Great weather today also. After a "delicious" oat porridge we where ready to go.


A reindeer whit great antlers showed up and run away.

Bigger rivers have tiny bridges. They are made by the Norwegian turist association.



The view over the surrounding lakes and mountains ar great on the plateau.

Crossing the border to Sweden. In this area lightning and thunder came upon us with heavy rain.


The lake Hukejaure with the cabins in the distanse.


The cabin in Hukejaure is from 1965 and quite cosy. The cabins have what you need for making food, blankets and a stove if it is get cold. It is also great with spa and foot massage after a days walk.

Day 3, Hukejaure to Sälka , 22 km.

We started around 8 in the morning in cloudy weather with light rain. Around 10 o'clock the sky brightens up and we had nice weather the rest of the day. The track follow a nice valley to crossing valley called Sälka to the cabins and the goal for the day. If you follow sidetrack there are few people in the mountain. The marking is not good so it is important to keep track on the map and GPS. We used around 12 hour on this leg and did not meet meet a human being the whole day.


Tired or admiring the view....;-)?


After hours of walking is a refreshing footbath great. When possible is it important to air foot and the boots to prevent sore feet.



Some food and breaks regularly is important to keep going during the day.


Here we have reached the Sälka valley with view towards the south...

and towards north. In the far end of the valley you can see the Tjäktja pass, 1120 m. Down this valley is the popular track Kings road. This is part of a 5 days hike.



The Sälka cabin.

When someone had made the food, someone must do the dishes.

For the hike I had prepared and dried vegetables, ground beef, meat, rice and pasta for 6 days. For 5 people the weight was 2,7 kg. We were all satisfied and got enough energy to manage during the hike.

The next leg goes to a beautiful alpine valley called Nallo, then the route goes to a Cabin in the Vistas valley.
In spite of many pictures i hope you liked the tour and will follow the hike further, (couldn't decide wich to take away).

Best regards


You made the right choice of letting the images do most of the talking about your adventure. These scenic views and the complementing backstory made me envious of your journey. I live in the city and I'd rarely get a chance to visit mountainous regions and not like the terrain you ventured in. Glad to see some posts fueling my wanderlust once in a while.

It is so great you liked it and feel the wanderlust. And thank you for constructive feedback, I appreciate it :-)

Wow!!! Incredible!!! I love all the beautiful pictures of the nature and the wonderful people :D good job walking all those miles! I’m looking forward to see the rest of the adventure :D

Thank you @helle. I enjoyed every 120 km :-)

Wow, what an amazing adventure! I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your photos, and reading your post, even Nero carried his little backpack, he's so cute!

Thank you @white.tiger. Nero carried his own food + som extra. around 4-5 kg. :-)

Looks like you had an amazing hike! I'm a bit jealous :) Looking forward to the next part of the trip!

It was great, especially the sidetrack of Kungsleden. You are very welcome to the next part :-)

Great post and photos. really a nice walk in a beautiful landscape, waiting for next post :)

Thank you brother. It was a great trip :-)

the scenery is very beautiful, between hills that have a lake and animals are rare animals, surely this will be a pleasant trip,

Thank you for visiting and nice comments.

You are welcome @harkar, I'm waiting for your next post and have a nice day buddy

Thanks for taking us along your hike in the mountains between Norway and Sweden. That's funny how they have no border crossing when you enter a new country. Amazing that you can be hiking along those beautiful trails and never see anyone plus get the luxurys of cabins AND FOOT MASSAGES! How lucky of you to catch the reindeer running. You must have been quick on the draw. I really enjoyed your pictures and it bought back memories of my hikes in the mountains, making me want to be there once more!

I am very glad you enjoyed the trip. The border between Norway and Sweden is open, only custom on the roads, where I seldom had been stopped. The kids enjoyed the massage after a long day on the trail :D. The reindeer showed up behind some rocks/pile (don't know the right word) and watch us. When Nero barked it start running and I was lucky to catch some pictures. Have you been in the Norwegian mountains, or in your homeland? Where are you from?

I've been hiking in the Rocky Mountains of my homeland Canada. I've never been overseas but have traveled over most of North America.

I have never been in USA or Canada. What I have seen from picture and TV it looks like a beautiful country. Must be fun fun to hike in Rocky Mountains.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is beautiful and very rugged. It's quite amazing to be at the peek of a mountain. The view is something else.

You and your family must be in excellent physical health to hike that distance in the mountains. What a wonderful adventure with spectacular views.

Thank you it was very nice days with the family. I miss it already :-)

Such incredible photos of what is clearly and incredible hike with your family @harkar! I'm grateful that I found this resteem thanks to @c-squared. It's been a long time since my husband and I hiked. But your post - complete with hiking pet - is inspiring!

I am glad you found the post, and thank you very much for visiting. Very nice you got inspired. It is great to be out in the nature and enjoy peace and silence :-)

This must have been very exhausting but also meditating.

I will definitely do this itinerary when I visit Norway again in the future. All the best :)

I like to travel slowly and observe new thing around me, stop wherever I want. It's worth a bit of effort.

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