
Hey there! BTW, I am a she, you can call me Tigrilla. :)

I read your post and started jotting down notes, but it is going to take some time to go through and formulate an appropriate response; I want to give it the diligence it deserves! You touch on several points that I really want to think about. No use writing a quick response that doesn't get into the underlying mechanisms. It would be easy to just stay on the surface, but real growth comes when we force ourselves to be brutally honest.

Thanks, Tigrilla, for this.

Yes, I read your positions, which tipped me off. But that was actually quite apparent to me from our first talk. Very few men in my experience deal with the topic of sensitivity as sensitively as very many women have!

Some of my favorite philosophies were developed by women.

And of course I suspected what your method is, so I was only queasy (not terrified!) about the idea that you'd turn away. I trust you enough to have been only medium-concerned.

I'm kinda paranoid about that, as you probably understand by now. That might have to do with what you noticed about my writing! (lol might! howzat? I first thought to write "probably" there!)

(You know what they say about justified paranoia, right? In my case people don't need to plot against me; I'm so weak in my social power that, in practice, anybody can put me down anytime without any aforethought...)

See? Paranoid! I can't know how strong my justification might be...I'd like to know what you think about this...

Will you report on that also to our friends? I'm more sensitive than people might think, ya' know. We alpha fools have to do a lot of work to maintain our armor!

So, I'm no longer queasy and I'm rehabilitating my patience quotient. Thank you sooo much for being here, I'm glad that you seem well, and I'll step back in anticipation of your return to the fray.

btw A lot's been happening in comments. I think that at least one guy will soon join the club. You probably noticed that I'm running an ad campaign - any advice on that is welcome.

And I want to create an artistic storefront. I'm no artist, but I like to explore my limits, and this project is extremely important to me.

Thanks again, Tigrilla.

It is the tough ones that always seem to be the most sensitive deep down, all soft-and-squishy. I am starting to suspect this tough guy thing was all an act to lure us into your heady discussions! :p

Nonetheless, I am quite impressed by your use of the word might--you are a quick learner! Soon, you will letting on that you doubt some of your convictions? I am not sure if I am ready for that... might need to brace myself!

Honestly, I am just using you for the philosophy lessons. Since my area of study seems to be quite as obscure as yours, I think I need to jump on the philosophy bandwagon if I am going to get some followers. I mean, do people really care about whether or not plants have minds? (Notice I didn't say brains, since we know they don't have those, but the question of the mind is still open to debate.) I thought about creating a #plantneurobiology tag, but who would use it? Do people even know what plant neurobiology is?

Probably not, so I think using #philosophy would be better. Why? Because as Paco Calvo, the founder of the MINT lab (Minimal Intelligence Lab) at the University of Murcia, who considers himself a philosopher of plant neurobiology, explains:

The easiest way to get into plant neurobiology is by thinking of the cognitive sciences in comparison. Go back to the '70s, the '80s and when we were talking about cognitive science we wouldn't talk about psychology or neuroscience or linguistics or anthropology, we were talking about the sum of all those disciplines. So it was sort of an attempt to better understand what cognition consists of by putting together the methodologies, the question they are asking from each discipline, and a little bit the same happens with plant neurobiology.

So here we are not talking about molecular or cellular biology or about plant biochemistry or about plant physiology or even electrophysiology or evolutionary biology, we are talking about the whole lot. So by putting all of them together in a non-reductionist manner, so we are trying to sort of find out what we mean by plants behaving in an intelligent manner. It's something you won't discover simply by American molecular mechanisms at the cellular level, things like that, you need to have the whole global picture.

...hence, philosophy!

Enough about me, this is about you and #higherorderthinking, right? Your ad campaign needs a little work. You should look at @stevecronin to help identify your target audience. Who exactly do you want in the club?

"Honestly, I am just using you for the philosophy lessons"

Well I could not possibly be more pleased about that, Tigrilla.

That's exactly the educational value that I came here to provide for you and for anyone else who
appreciates the music coming from my wagon.

"I think I need to jump on the philosophy bandwagon if I am going to get some followers"

Ok. Whatever your reasoning on that might be, if you want to learn what I learned I'm here for that and here for you.

I'm off 'til tonight. I'll address this message tonight (if all goes well!).

btw: have you realized that I'm quite concerned about what you'll blog about us next??!

Cognitively I feel confident that I'm ok with you (today!). Even so my history is so poisoned with judgments and rejections that I can't stop wondering (in my stomach!).

Oh, well. I trust you. I trust Tigrilla. I'll keep thinking that...


One more thing, and this is essential, so I can't wait:

" this is about you and #higherorderthinking, right?"

No, Tigrilla, it's not! (Nice try though...speaking of being tricky...if this is a test I just realized that I don't want to wait while you wonder)

It's about us. You and me. And since it's public it might become about us and other people!

(Speaking of long-term intimate relating, I was with my first girlfriend and wife for fourteen years, 1 daughter, now living in West Hollywood with her husband; and Michelle and I are celebrating thirty-two years together this month.)

For me, no relating is about me; it's always about Us. The We. Both of us harmonizing.

Like a musical duet, it's not just about the song and the music. It's about cooperation, support and caring for what the other one needs. #higherorderthinking is the song we're working to harmonize on.

Is that helpful? ;-)

So, what do We think about that? (your turn!)

I'll be back in a few hours. Patience and Trust are ruling my day.


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