An army with incentive to support and protect the complete corruption of society by their overseers.

in #hiddenlast year


None of us are ever going to be able to back up our statements or provide evidence for any of our shit to the same degree that the New York Times, Harvard University, the Brookings institute — and any of those other heavily-funded institutional mouthpieces do.

It’s not even that what they say is necessarily any truer than what you say. That’s not the issue, and I don’t think it really concerns them much. How what they say fits into and lends additional credence to pre-existing agendas, (the dopey monostories on Ukraine, Covid, Cimate Change, etc.) that’s what matters to them to the cabal of senior -level partners that manage the world’s control grids.

And the reason that they have the influence they do on popular narratives, is that they have the front rows of business, of the media, and universities all filled up with “credentialled” people, who they know will confirm that whatever they say is true, no matter how wrong it is.

Do you see how that works? It’s not the truth that matters, it’s the agreed-upon consensus. And no individual that you or I know has that sort of sway when it comes to influencing the consensus.

(I have been noticing the last several weeks though that there is a lot more awareness around weather … and chemtrails, HAARP, microwave heat, and all the stuff that Deborah Tavares, Elana Freeland, and Jim Lee have been telling us about for over a decade. Things move slow at our level, but still they move. So keep at it. Don’t give up.

In any case, my point here is simply to point out that many people among us are trying very hard to do their best using their intuition as effectively as they can, while paying close attention to the details and the facts as they seep out of the media plumbing.

Doing that kind of work is not easy. Most people won’t touch it. They’re just too afraid of being wrong, or being judged, or being ostracized by friends and family.

So the next time you are moved to demand that some well-meaning yokel, just like you, provide you the data or the evidence behind what they say, I suggest you back off a bit and listen to the sound of their mind and the music that comes through their heart, so you might better see where they’re coming from.

And if you are moved to say something to them, thanks never hurts.

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