Hichki Movie Review

in #hichki5 years ago

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※ 리뷰 하단에 다음 두가지 항목 포함 필수 (미포함 시 차후 자체사이트에 반영 안됨)

  • Movie URL: (https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/493623-hichki?language=en-US)

  • Critic: (This movie is about a girl with tourette syndrome. She was rejected in several interviews and at last she is selected in one scholl where due to her problem, students made fun of here but in her journey, she proved to be the best teacher and at last she became the principal of that school. )

  • 영화 URL: (https://www.themoviedb.org/ 에서 리뷰하고싶은 영화 검색후 URL 이곳에 삽입)

  • 별점: (A, AA, AAA 중 선택해서 이곳에 삽입)


Just uploading a poster of a move is not really a review. Please understand that our community is about reviewing movies.

But I’ve put a link and some comments about it below.

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