Hashers must wear silly clothes

in #hhh4 years ago

If you ever see a group of Hashers in public, and they do tend to travel in medium-sized crews, you will notice one thing about them: They are all dressed in a quite silly fashion. The shirts are all custom made from various events such as someone hitting a milestone like 200 individual runs or a certain annual event such as the Red Dress event. I don't know how it it originally got started, I suspect the fact that designing something that is meant to look bad is easier than designing something that is supposed to look good is probably a big part of it.


Copyright infringement is common in the creation of these things and the only reason why we don't even get sued is because Heinz and 20th Century Fox probably wouldn't be able to figure out who to pass the lawsuit onto, they would probably be pretty upset when they found out that the shirts are given away or sold at cost, and also that the people who created them probably don't have any money.

Some of them are something you definitely wouldn't want to wear around your parents because they feature the Hash Names of people in that particular kennel that are intentionally explicit. Names like "Pussy Whisperer, Anal Boring, Cumlord," and other such risque names are very common and will be featured on the shirts. The organization makes no effort to be PC. PC behavior's increase in prevalence in society is a big part of the reason why the Hash is so popular because it gives us all a chance to act like assholes in private for a few hours a week.

At least half a dozen lawsuits on this one shirt alone

Dressing like fools is part of the fun of being in the Hash. It certainly isn't a fashion parade when you attend these events. As a matter of fact you will be punished for having shoes that are too new, too clean, or too expensive. Normally this incorporates drinking a beer from the shoe. Dressing like a lunatic, on the other hand, is generally appreciated and will be rewarded. This tradition goes back a long way and I have no idea how it got started, but I am glad that it did.


So even if you don't have any intention of ever participating in a Hash... and your really should as it is one of the most fun things to do in the world, just keep an eye out for a bunch of people in a bar wearing matching silly outfits, if they are being loud and rude to one another as well, there is a better-than-average chance that you are in the presence of Hashing greatness!

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