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RE: Steem HF21 Review - Reject 2e12

in #hf215 years ago

I am trying to soak in all the numbers and opinions of the fork in order to adjust my strategies for my steem business. I am not liking much of what I read but I make shit these day for content efforts anyhow.

What I really want to know is how to produce so that I get those massive @tipu @smartsteem and @ocdb upvotes. That would impact my content creation rewards more than getting 10% less of next to nothing! :)

Posted using Partiko iOS


I don't think the bots are going away. I think we are just going to see the downvote pool make it a little harder for the biggest morons to keep abusing them. If I had to guess, bots are getting more powerful. Better to make one decent post a day than 5 poor ones, especially if you can earn bidbots favor. The thing that has me most concerned is giving a boost to people with massive bids. Are we just going to see mergers of groups that you must join or are at a disadvantage? Delegating to the powerful curators (bid bots with standards) may become a good investment.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good points.

Being transitional fish bigger than plankton and not even close to dolphin, there have always been bots, the futility of producing solo quality content, and the need for strong supportive groups. I have always strive. To produce 1 good post a day and the bidbots have always had to biggest votes (except the random @curie and @dtube votes and my buddy @broncnutz I guess.)

I love learning from folks in the know and sharing their thoughts. If you figure out the good bots worth delegation (with standards,) shoot me a message on the phc discord!! ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

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