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RE: Finding Perspective on HF21 -- Actions Speak Louder Than Words

in #hf215 years ago

There is always hard fork 22 to fix the problems if any of hf21. I think hf22 will be being requested pretty quickly, or a roll back will occur. I don't know if that has ever happened before, but no doubt, they will say hf21 can not be rolled back, all because of the SPS part of it. So we will wait on hf22, and hope it works better.


HF22 is already in the works for SMTs, Communities and whatever else. Rolling back as HF is out of the question so we've been told when the question came up during Witness Chats. Once the changes are made and blocks generated it's not as simple as installing the previous version again.

I figured that it would be one of those we can not undo things once it is signed off. They just have too many sticks in the fire to make it easy to quench out. At least the witness know it is undoable with out another hardfork.

When someone is going to drop a baby out the window, you stop them before they do it.

I have only been on steem block chain for 2 years, and only gone through one HF, (HF20), it was not that good it has caused issues, it still has issues, but those issues only bother the non-important people like me. It all works fine for those that approved HF20 or there would have been some changes. I am sure HF21 is going to work fine for the important people, and once again the non-important people like me will just have to live with it, or move on.

The important people do not think they are sending the baby on a free-fall, the free fall was caused by the market, not by the decisions of the important people who decided HF20 was the cure all of cure all of spam problems, and other problems, of how it was going to make it so so easy for everyone to make steem available for all their friends for free and onboard them via the everyone can make free tokens to onboard friends and family members. This has obviously worked miracles for the onboarding of new people to steem. HF21 will work just fine for the people it is meant to work for, it is just not meant to work for people like me, or so it seems at this point, In six months I may be singing a different tune, i doubt it, but miracles can happen, just look at all the new onboarded people from HF20, and how many of those stuck around.

It is not meant to work for anyone except large stakeholders. It's ridiculous. I thought HF20 was great in every way, honestly. The only problem was the lack of information to new users and small acccounts. RC restrictions could be easily bypassed. Ironically enough, not cmmunicating the important stuff has always been a major issue on this social platform.

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