Day three of HF20

in #hf206 years ago

There is a lot going on about HF20. Some say it's functioning as designed, others say it has been tested very badly before it was implemented into the current steem blockchain and that is why there are a lot of problems. I sincerely think that the @steemit team had done it's best to bring this HF20 to a succes but as far as I am concerned at this moment it didn't quite worked as expected.

I do have to mention that the developteam has said that it can take up on to 5 days till the system stabilizes

Since the implementation of HF20 a lot has changed, I will leave the technical details for what they are (there are a lot of posts on Steemit already) but for me the biggest change is that I am limited to my actions on Steemit by the system. With that I mean that at this moment the amount of "mana" drains at the moment I comment someone or try to put a post on Steemit. I really do hope this is temporary behavior because it limits me in my possibilities on Steemit. And with limiting I mean that I can't comment as much as I would like without exhausting my "Mana Power".....

But like I said, we should give it time to stabilize and will see eventually how things will be.

How is this effecting the Steemit platform?

I'm currious about your opinion on HF20 and the effects of it for this moment, will it effect the steemit platform?
I read a lot of things on the different Discord servers and see that people are (temporarily) evade to other platforms like Whaleshares etc. Although I can understand this move I aint going to use a different platform. Just like @melbookermusic mentioned in one of his posts, Steemit is for the long run. I am convinced things will be back or better in a few days..

So I stick to my plan to be on Steemit and Steemit only :)

ps. There are some patches announced by the Steemit team, that's great news...

Have a great day

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I agree. I think it is silly that people are talking about jumping ship. Especially when we knew going in that things would be iffy for the first week. It is going to take some time for some people to understand the new system with mana and RC's My hope is by the middle of next week things will be back to normal and the negative nellie's can go back to producing productive posts!

Thing looking quite normal again... So we're back ;)

Can anyone please explain me what is HF20? Im new here... hahaha e.e¨

Sorry :) , HF20 is Hard Fork 20 , it is an update on the steemblockchain.

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