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RE: I'm Liking These High Curation Rewards!

in #hf205 years ago

Don't hold your breath man.. They will probably just do more elaborate circle jerking! LoL

That's all I see now, hence the reason I don't do "regular posts" anymore.. It's all about playing the game and if you don't have at least 20k SP you can't even get a seat the table in steemit.. Good thing DApps are more fair (at this point at least) or I'd have left steemit completely by now..

A $8 post of mine cashed out a few hours after the hardfork and i ended up with $3.47 and the curators got $4.21!? Why should they make more money than I did off of my hard work? That will definitely chase away old and new users alike..


Wow, that is pretty sad. My posts don't even come close to that lately so I will probably just be happy with what I can get. 20k SP is a pipe dream :)

Yeah, they said if you average over 20SP per post "you will make more rewards," if you make less then you are well fucked really LoL.. For isntance, my last post ($8USD aka 44SP total) wouldve netted me 26SP from the old model but I only got 19SP total under the new rules so I don't understand how that "should've netted me more"?!? More of the same old lies from

This definitely doesn't make me want to invest my own hard earned money even though I have been on this platform for more than 2 years! So I honestly don't know why anyone else would with this new rewards model! Just like the real world, more money for the elites.

It will be better because all of the posts that were on trending will be downvoted so yours will have a chance to get there now. Then all the whales will more likely see your content so they will upvote you. Because they will now suddenly spend a ton of time manually curating. :)

LoL, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...

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