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RE: Entry for the Pay-it-Forward Curation Contest - Week 26 ... then Boom! ... HF20 ...

in #hf206 years ago

sir roleerob! Oh I'm so glad that I found out you were in the electric supply business, if that's a correct way to say it, so this could be explained to me. lol.

Ok that makes me feel better and one more thing I won't have to be concerned about. I have no idea if they are installing those in Texas or not, I suppose it's all over because it will help provide the right amount of juice and make the distribution much more efficient.
So we need them everywhere!
And basically you could say that "outside is good, inside is bad" when talking about the meters right? Especially if google has anything to do with it.
Thanks so much for your help sir roleerob!


Hi @janton. There are two basic benefits of these new "smart grid" meters, to the average consumer:

  1. Keeps costs low, as a "truck roll" is no longer required to read your meter. AND it saves costs due to accuracy of the readings. In the "old days," human error in getting all of these readings manually entered was significant ...

  2. Even then, you had exactly ONE reading for your billing period. Now, the meter is automatically read (varies) on avg. every 30 minutes. That is now ~ 1,440 readings a month, so you can go online and better manage your consumption to keep your bill low ...

Glad to help! It's my "day job" ...😏

Posted using Partiko Android

sir roleerob! how interesting... but I like the truck roll, it kept someone in a job! lol. No I'm just teasing, I just wanted to be able to use that phrase because I think it's a neat one.

I think I'll go on a truck roll tomorrow of my own making! ha!
anyway thanks for filling that in with all the benefits, that is really nice that customers can go online and see all the stats about their usage and such. No more human errors or misreadings, less angry customers calling your company too!
sounds like a win win to me. thank you sir!

Right with you @janton. Hard to beat a good "truck roll!" 👍

It's a great day, for this Steemian, when my old Ford Ranger takes me for a "roll" up into the high country. Particularly, when it's over a 4-wd road that gets me away out more or less on my own ... 😉

Hope you have (are having) a good "truck roll" yourself today!

Posted using Partiko Android

sir roleerob! hey are you at work today?
So you are in Colorado and you have places up in the mountains that you can "escape" to? That sounds so amazing!

Yep @janton. "Curating" a little on my breaks and lunch ...

You've mentioned Colorado before. I am going to do my best to maintain my privacy "in here," but for my tastes, too many people and a little "heavy" on the " Rocky Mtn High," if you get my drift ... 😉

Hint: Think more Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and wilderbess areas like the High Uintahs, the Wind River Range, the Selway-Bitterroots, and the Bob Marshall wilderness ...

How's your "truck roll" shaping up?

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! yes sir I understand, sorry I was thinking Colorado for some reason. But anyway I like the other areas better like Utah for example with so many independent people and conservative values. At least that's what I think about it and I think Wyoming and Montana have more inline with my kind of values too. So any of those would be superior in some ways.

I don't have a truck roll planned but I will. Right now I'm just hammering away at steemit hoping that it will pay off but looking for something else at the same time.

So you're mostly on steemit on breaks and weekends? You seem to do alot for a part timer! lol. You must be very efficient.

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