Lose Weight the Herbal Way!


You’ve probably heard of using herbs to lose weight, but did you know that herbs aren’t just good for weight loss? They can also help support your immune system, improve your eyesight, and even soothe skin conditions! This article will show you how to use herbs to lose weight, but it will also show you how to incorporate herbs into your daily routine in order to improve the health of your whole body.

You’ve probably heard about garlic’s beneficial cardiovascular effects and its ability to boost immunity. However, you may not know that these health benefits are also relevant to weight loss. Garlic has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and triglycerides in people with hyperlipidemia, or high amounts of lipids in their blood. The compound allicin is thought to be responsible for these positive effects on heart health and lipids.

This herb helps to regulate digestion, keep your weight under control and is a great way to ease stress. Basil may also help improve circulation, ward off illness and aid memory. (1) Aside from eating basil fresh in salads or cooked as a main ingredient in a dish, you can also use it medicinally in tinctures or infused oils for topical application on problem areas. Basil has been known to treat everything from headache to anorexia nervosa to melancholy and various physical injuries.

Curry Leaves
Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, Curry Leaves have long been used to treat a wide range of illnesses. These properties make them a great weight loss aid too. Curry leaves are loaded with vitamins A, C and K. They’re rich in iron, calcium and fiber as well, helping you shed those extra pounds fast. Sprinkle some curry leaves on your salad or add it to your diet plan to lose weight faster!

Studies indicate that taking chamomile before bedtime can help you fall asleep more quickly and easily. This herb is also known to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms, including cramping and bloating. Chamomile contains mild sedative properties, but don’t worry—you won’t feel drowsy in your daily activities after drinking it. In fact, you may find that you get a better night’s sleep if you use chamomile just before bedtime.

Lemon Balm
For centuries, lemon balm has been used to calm anxiety and restlessness. The herb contains rosmarinic acid, a compound that is also found in rosemary and tarragon and is known for its cholesterol-lowering abilities. As a result, lemon balm may help you shed some of those unwanted pounds.

Lemon Grass
This aromatic grass, which is a staple in many Southeast Asian dishes, has been shown to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. An animal study published in Phytomedicine found that rats fed lemon grass had higher amounts of insulin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) compared to those who were not given lemon grass. These help your body maintain stable blood sugar levels while simultaneously lowering your cholesterol.

Parsley (Cilantro)
It’s a great source of dietary fiber, which will help keep you feeling full for longer. One study found that after six weeks, participants who ate an ounce and a half of parsley daily lost nearly twice as much weight (13 pounds) as those who followed their regular diets. To add it to your salads or dinner plates, mix it with some olive oil and salt before tossing.

Green Tea / Oolong Tea (Black Tea - no caffeine varieties)
Green and oolong teas are staples in most weight-loss regimens, with multiple studies showing that these brews may help burn fat faster than other teas. While green tea has often been credited for its weight loss benefits, it’s also thought to have powerful brain health properties as well.

This herb is known for its cleansing properties, which is great news for people trying to lose weight. A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that when subjects took a daily ginseng and sage supplement, they lost more than twice as much weight after six months as those who did not take it. Why? The herbs kill bacteria and parasites that build up in your body over time. This leaves you with more energy, which helps you burn calories faster even when sitting down.

Turmeric Powder
Turmeric is an ancient spice that not only tastes delicious but has been found to have many health benefits. However, it’s not just turmeric. Curcumin, a major component of turmeric, has also been studied for its medicinal properties and shown to fight inflammation, oxidative stress and cognitive decline while potentially even decreasing tumor growth. This yellow-colored powder is one of our favorites when trying to lose weight; we add it to everything from eggs in omelets to meat marinades.

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