Power of Herbs

in #herbs3 years ago



Between 12noon-4pm

Go to this plant with a coin, cowrie or the lowest paper money and about 3 steps to it, take off your slippers or shoes, and say hello, 3times, in your local dialect as we would say in Ghana, "agoo, agoo, agoo". Walk to the plant and speak to the plant why you have come to collect it leaves, after that you have done that, drop whatever you took with you. Get 7 leaves of 7 Petals or 7 fingers.

Take the leaves home and fill a bucket to the middle with water in your bathroom.

Take two leaves in your palms and call on God to bless the leaves because He created it and imbued it with energy. That energy is what you are harnessing now to solves your problems.

Now, take the two leaves closer to your mouth and patiently say your problems over it and request that whatever goodness God bestowed on you that you have lost knowing or unknowingly, you want them restored. Whatever witchcraft, juju, evil eye, diabolic thing any human or spirit has ever done against you to impede your progress and your well being in this life should be broken.

Place the two leaves on the floor and stand on it.

Next step, take the remaining 5 leaves in your palms and closer to your mouth, decree and declare by the authority of God all the drastic changes you want your guardian angel, spirit guides, ancestors to bring in your life.

After that put them in the bucket of water and crush the leaves in your palms in the water while you continue to say your prayers vehemently.

When the water is well concentrated from the juice of the leaves, splash your entire body with the water while still standing on the two.

When you finish, air dry yourself.

Collect all the remaining leaves, and wrap them in a plastic bag.
Take it outside and dump it at any nearby bush and go back home without looking back.

Your powerful herbal bath is now complete. Pay attention to your dreams.

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