The Best Herbal Remedies Listed from A-Z Part 1

in #herbal7 years ago

This list is in alphabetical order by problem. From Acne to Warts you will find solutions here.

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The information here is provided to you for information and education purposes only. The information contained on this post should not be construed as medical advice. Before beginning any exercise, diet, or treatment it is vital you contact your healthcare provider.


Some acne usually occurs in teenagers, although many adults have occasional bouts of acne as well. There are many factors that contribute to acne. Keratin is a protein that is produced by the skin cells, and too much of it can form clumps that block oil ducts. When this happens, bacteria can form, causing a pimple. Another possible cause of acne in teen girls is hormonal changes. Other theories about acne have little foundation to back them up. For example, certain foods have been said to cause acne, such as chocolate or French fries. These claims are unfounded. There is no evidence that foods cause acne.

There are drug treatments available for the treatment of acne. The most common are topical treatments, which often contain antibiotics.

Herbal remedies for acne include:

Tea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil comes from this Australian tree. Used as a topical treatment, in studies it was found to be as effective as benzoil peroxide but with fewer side effects. To use, first gently cleanse the skin and pat dry. Apply diluted tea tree oil to the problem areas and let dry. You can purchase tea tree oil already diluted or you can dilute yourself using jojoba oil with 5 to 15% tea tree oil. Use the mixture twice a day. Test a small spot first to ensure that you do not get a rash. Some people with sensitive skin can have a small reaction to tea tree oil. Do not take internally.

Lavender - Lavender essential oil is often used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It is also astringent. It is good on minor skin irritations and burns. To use, dot lavender essential oil onto blemishes individually using a cotton swab. Used once or twice per day on mild acne, this will help dry up the blemishes.

Burdock - Burdock is often taken internally as a tea. The leaves, roots and stems of the burdock plant are rich in minerals that promote sweating and urination (a natural diuretic). For the treatment of acne, use burdock topically, as a face wash. Apply cooled tea to the skin with a washcloth and rinse with cool water.

Calendula - Used as a remedy for many skin ailments, calendula has antibacterial and calming properties. Calendula is often found as a tea. To use, make the tea and allow cooling. Then apply to the face with a cotton ball or cloth. There are also calendula creams available that can be found at your local natural food store. These creams are usually too thick in consistency to help with acne, however, they can be used lightly.

Chamomile - This flowering herb is often found in teas. It contains a natural anti-inflammatory called azulene. Chamomile is used as a skin wash in the treatment of acne. To use, steep chamomile tea and allow cooling. Apply to the skin with a cotton ball or washcloth. You can also dab the mixture onto blemishes. There are also skin care products available with chamomile.

Rose - Rose essential oil has soothing antiseptic properties. It also smells wonderfully. Find rosewater that is made from essential oil. Put some into a spray bottle and spritz onto the face whenever you want.

Grapefruit Seed Extract - The seeds of grapefruit have been found to have potent micro bacterial properties. Mix 5 drops of extract with ½ cup water to dilute and use as a face wash.

Aloe - Aloe has long been known to be a soothing anti-inflammatory with anti-bacterial properties. Use in the gel form for best affects. Use topically by applying directly to the blemish spots.


Anxiety is extreme stress, sometimes panic. It can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath along with feelings of doom. You can experience anxiety when your body reacts to signals it thinks are threats. Your heart rate goes up and you start to sweat.

Other causes of anxiety can be classified as phobias, such as fear of flying or fear of heights. Herbs can be an easy way to help ease anxiety naturally. If you are taking anti-depressant drugs, however, do not try to substitute herbal remedies. Talk to your doctor before taking herbal remedies.

When treating anxiety, start with the mildest remedy in the mildest dosage and go from there. Many of the herbs used to treat anxiety are safely compatible.

Oats - Oat seeds are calming and soothing and are helpful for those suffering from daily stress or who feels frayed. Tea is the common method of taking oats. Steep 1 to 2 tablespoons of seeds in a cup of hot water for ten minutes. You can drink a cup of tea every two hours as needed. Tincture is also available and you can take up to 3 teaspoons every two hours. Oats are also available as capsules.

Chamomile - Used often as tea, chamomile has a very soothing and calming effect on you. It helps relax the muscles and also helps ease a tense stomach. Drink one cup of tea every two hours or up to 3 teaspoons of tincture every two hours. Chamomile is readily available as tea at most supermarkets, but it’s a good idea to keep some on hand.

Linden - Linden gently relaxes and eases muscle tension, and is also used as a remedy for high blood pressure. Linden also makes a good allaround remedy for helping keep the cardiovascular system functioning well. It is most often used in tea, and you should drink one cup of tea every two hours as needed. Tincture is also available as well as capsules.

Vervain - Vervain is an herb that soothes and calms the nervous system as well as helps with depression. Often found as a tea, drink one cup of tea every two hours. It is also available as a tincture and in capsules.

Motherwort - This old-time remedy is useful for the cardiovascular system in general. It can help calm nerves and aids in soothing anxiety that can cause a rapid heart rate. Drink one cup of Motherwort tea every two hours. It is also available as a tincture and as capsules. Consult your doctor before taking Motherwort if you are currently taking any cardiac drugs.

Lavender - Lavender is relaxing and uplifting. It is fragrant and offers relief for anxiety and depression. Lavender essential oil is used diluted in bath water or can be inhaled. To use in a bath, add 10 to 12 drops to a full tub. You can also dilute it with oil to use as massage oil. It should not be taken internally.

St. John’s Wort - Commonly used to treat depression, St. John’s Wort is an overall health booster that helps the nervous system. As a tonic, take up to 3 teaspoons every two hours. It is also available in capsule form.

Skullcap - Used for anxiety and hormonal mood swings, skullcap is relaxing to the nervous system. It can be taken as a tea, a tincture or in capsule form. To make tea, steep one or two teaspoons of dried herbs in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Drink one cup of hot tea every two hours as needed.

Kava-Kava - This is an anti-anxiety herb that originated in the South Pacific islands. It works similarly to Valium, working with the part of the brain that controls the nervous system and emotions. It does not cause addiction nor does the body build up a tolerance to it. It also doesn’t impair thinking the way drugs may. In fact, in studies it was shown to improve brain function and memory. It is a good solution to treat anxiety on a short-term basis. The standard form is in capsules. Do not take with alcohol.

Valerian - Valerian is considered a strong anti-anxiety herb. Similar to Valium, it works with the central nervous system; however it does not cause dependence. It is also used to improve sleep as well as a muscle relaxant. It is taken in capsule form. Note – a small percentage of users indicate an increase in anxiety when taking this herb. If that happens, discontinue use.

Passionflower - Passionflower is a strong herb used primarily for calming and treating insomnia. It can also be used to help calm daytime anxiety. It is most commonly used as a tea. To make the tea, steep one to two teaspoons of dried herbs in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Drink one cup every two hours.

Siberian Ginseng - This herb helps restore adrenal glands that are overstressed. It is a good choice for those who are chronically overstressed, and is taken as a tonic. It has a cumulative effect, meaning that it may take several weeks or even months to see results from taking the tonic.


Arthritis affects more than 40 million Americans of all ages. It is the stiffening or inflammation of the joints, and can occur in any joint, but it commonly starts in the hips, fingers and knees. There are two main types of arthritis, with osteoarthritis being the most common form. It is simply the breaking down or wearing down of the joints with age and worsens over time. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and distortion of the joints. There is no cure for arthritis, and doctors prescribe medication to help keep inflammation and pain down.

Herbal remedies include both internal and external mixtures.

Cayenne - Cayenne and other peppers contain analgesics and antiinflammatory agents called capsaicin. This is often used in creams and other topical mixtures to help relieve pain. Creams come in different strengths.

Evening Primrose - Taken internally, Evening Primrose helps combat inflammation. It can also help with the pain associated in particular with rheumatoid arthritis. Taken in capsule form, take up to 12 capsules per day. It can also be taken as oil, and you should take only ½ teaspoon of oil per day. Be aware that this oil can be expensive.

Green Tea - Green tea has compounds that help the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. You’ll find green tea products widely available now, and you may drink several cups of green tea per day, and black tea is also beneficial

Yucca - Native Americans have used Yucca for centuries as food and as a remedy, and recent studies have confirmed its effectiveness as a remedy for arthritis. Yucca reduces the swelling and pain of arthritis as well as helps prevent stiffness in the joints. It can be applied topically to affected joints, and can also be taken internally. Capsules are available and you may take up to four 490-milligram capsules per day.

Turmeric - Turmeric is a common Indian spice that is helpful in the treatment of arthritis, because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be ingested as well as used topically on affected areas. You can take 250 - 300 milligram capsules up to three times per day or up to one teaspoon per day in food. It is also available as a tincture.

Bladder Infection

Nearly half of all women suffer from a bladder infection at some time in their life. They are most common in sexually active and pregnant women. Bladder infections can become serious, so if it persists you need to see a doctor as the infection can travel to the kidneys where it can cause more serious damage.

Cranberry - Yes, the old wives tale is actually true. Cranberry juice can help prevent and cure bladed infections by acidifying the urine. In order to be effective, though, you need to drink at least 5 cups of cranberry juice per day. You can also get cranberry in capsule form, which is easier to take. To prevent infections, drink 1-½ cups of unsweetened cranberry juice per day.

Goldenrod - This herb is popular in Europe for treating bladder infections. It is one of the safest and most effective herbs for increasing urine flow and inhibiting bacteria growth. It also helps decrease inflammation. Taken as a tea, drink 2 to 3 cups of tea daily.

Oregon Graperoot - The active ingredient berberine can help kill many types of bacteria that are harmful. It also helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall, thus preventing bladder infections. Available as a tincture, take one teaspoon three times per day as needed. Do not use if you are pregnant.

Echinacea - This acts as an anti-bacterial as well as an anti-inflammatory. It also is known to help pump up the immune system, which helps those with frequent bladder infections. If you have an allergy to ragweed, do not take this herb, as you could experience an allergic reaction.


Bronchitis is an inflammation in the bronchi, the passageways from the lungs. It is characterized by a cough that starts dry and progresses to a mucus cough. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is usually the result of a cold and viral infection. Chronic bronchitis is a persistent cough that lasts more than 3 months, with air pollution and smoking contributing to chronic bronchitis. Herbal remedies can help with both types. If you are having severe symptoms such as chest pain, high fever or are coughing up blood you need to see a medical specialist immediately.

Licorice - Licorice soothes mucous membranes and is an expectorant. It also helps stimulate the cells to produce more interferon, the bodies own antivirus. Taken as capsules or as a tincture or tea, licorice should not be taken for longer than 6 weeks.

Horehound - Horehound is available in syrups and also in lozenges. It soothes a sore throat and also works as an expectorant. It is also commonly available as a tea.

Peppermint - Peppermint has menthol properties that help relax airways and also helps fight viruses. It is a good thing to use as an herbal steam. Add 3 to 5 drops of peppermint essential oil to 4 cups of very hot water. Then use a towel to cover your head and tent the steam. Inhale this way until the water stops steaming.

Mullein - A tea or tincture, mullein is used to help you expel mucus. It can also help stop the pain of a raspy cough. Drink up to 6 cups of tea per day.

Wild Cherry Bark - Wild cherry bark is often mixed with other herbs. It helps to suppress coughs, and should only be used for short periods of time. It is best used on coughs that are the dry, hacking type. It is available in teas and tinctures.


Most bruises are minor and are easily treated with herbal methods. Herbs can help reduce the swelling associated with the bruise as well as provide pain relief.

Arnica - Arnica is known for its pain relieving properties as well as its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help speed up the healing of a bruise. It is most often used topically, and you can find it as a main ingredient in many herbal salves and ointments. You can also make your own compress using dried arnica flowers. First, steep the dried arnica in hot water for ten minutes. Strain and cool the mixture, and then soak a clean towel in the mixture and apply it to the bruise for about half an hour. Repeat three times per day.

Calendula - Used as a topical anti-inflammatory, calendula also works as an astringent and is antiseptic. It can be applied to a bruise as a cream, gel, salve or compress. To use the dried herb, take the dried flowers and steep them in hot water for 10 minutes. Allow the water to cool and use as a compress on the bruise with a clean towel.

Comfrey - Comfrey contains allantoin, which helps renew skin cells. It is used topically. It is also considered an anti-inflammatory, and is often an ingredient in herbal creams and salves. You may make a compress by steeping the dry herbs in hot water for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, and then soak a clean towel in the mixture and place on the bruise. Keep the compress on for an hour at a time. You may repeat as often as needed.

St.-John’s-Wort - This is used as an inflammatory and is used topically to speed the healing process. As oil, it can be applied as needed. You may also find it as an ingredient in some crèmes or salves. Do not use St.John’s-Wort if you are going out in the sun as skin reactions can occur when exposed to sunlight.


Burns of many kinds are common, and occur to all age groups. They can range from minor to major and are given categories based on severity. First-degree burns affect only the outmost layers of skin. Second-degree burns extend deeper into the skin and produce more redness and swelling as well as blisters. Third-degree burns are the most severe and often require skin grafts. First and second-degree burns can be treated quite easily with topical herbal remedies. Always see a doctor for severe burns or burns that cover areas of your body larger than your hand.

Aloe - Aloe is a common burn aid and is found in many over the counter products. It not only helps soothe the pain but also fights bacteria and reduces inflammation. Find aloe in the gel form if possible and look for products that contain 100% aloe, as they work the best. If you have an aloe plant you can actually use that as well. Cut a piece off one of the “arms” and place the gel-like inner substance right onto the burn area. Aloe works well on sunburns as well as other minor burns.

Calendula - Calendula helps as an anti-inflammatory as well as an antiseptic, and helps in the healing process. Calendula can be found in many over the counter products. For use on burns, find a product that is not too thick. You want the skin to be able to breathe through it.

Comfrey - The active ingredient allantoin helps tremendously in speeding up the healing process of burns. Commercial products are available but you can also use a tea-soaked cloth placed on the burn. To use tea, first steep the tea in hot water for 10 minutes and allow to cool. Then, soak a clean cloth or towel in the mixture and apply to the burned area for a halfhour at a time.

Gotu Kola - A compound in gotu kola helps to stimulate collagen growth to help repair skin. It helps heal burns and all types of wounds and helps keep scarring to a minimum. Apply topically by mixing the powder from capsules with aloe and then applying to the burn area.

Bursitis or Tendonitis

Overuse and misuse of two parts of the joint structures, the bursa and the tendons, can result in long-term inflammation and irritation. Bursitis is likely to occur in the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees while tendonitis affects shoulders, wrists, elbows and knees. It causes pain and often inflammation.

Turmeric - Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The active ingredient, curcumin, is responsible for these properties and in studies has shown to be as effective as potent anti-inflammatory drugs, but without the side effects. Turmeric can be taken internally as well as used topically. Take up to 600 milligrams daily. Taken in larger amounts, it can cause stomach irritation.

Cayenne - Used topically or in capsule form, cayenne helps reduce pain naturally. Taken internally, cayenne acts as an antioxidant. Used topically, it will ease the pain and gently improves circulation to the area, making the area warm. When using topically, be sure to wash your hands before touching your eyes or nose.

Licorice - This root helps stop inflammation when taken internally by inhibiting an enzyme in the body. Take a 500-milligram capsule up to three times per day. Licorice is also available as a tincture and tea. Do not take licorice for more than 6 weeks at a time. Do not take if your are pregnant, if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease.

Devil’s Claw - This can reduce pain and swelling and is popular in Europe. The root of this plant is used to make capsules or tincture. Do not take if you have ulcers.

Ginger - Ginger is known to inhibit inflammation and reduce pain. It also has antioxidant properties. Take as a capsule or tincture. It can also be used fresh; eat 1/3 ounce of fresh ginger each day.

Canker Sores

Also known as mouth ulcers, these sores can be painful. They are often associated with food allergies, immune system dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies. If you have them often, talk to your doctor to help determine the cause. Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies can contribute to the cause of canker sores.

Chamomile - a study has shown that chamomile mouthwash is an effective treatment for mouth sores. It helps keep inflammation down and helps promote healing. Drink up to 4 cups of tea per day or cool and use as a mouthwash. You can also make a mouthwash using 10 drops of tincture mixed with water.

Echinacea - Echinacea tincture produces a numbing effect that is helpful in managing the pain associated with canker sores. If the canker sore is large or deep avoid using tinctures as they may cause stinging. Instead, use less concentrated mixtures such as tea.

Gotu Kola - Gotu Kola is used to help promote healing. It has long been known to speed the healing of wounds. It can be taken internally as a hot tea or cold as an oral rinse.

Goldenseal - Goldenseal has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and can help to fight the infection associated with a canker sore. It also can help lessen the pain. Dissolve several drops of tincture in a glass of water and use as a mouth rinse.

Ginkgo - When applied topically, this herb helps promote healing. It is rich in anti-oxidants and is also an anti-inflammatory. Make a tea and use the mixture to swab the sore with a cotton swab.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFS is a debilitating exhaustion that affects thousands of people every year. The illness begins with flu-like symptoms but does not go away. It can progress to cause headaches, depression and anxiety. If you have severe feelings of fatigue it’s worth getting checked out by a doctor. Some herbal remedies can be very effective in treating many of the symptoms of CFS.

Astragalus - Often used in Chinese medicine, astragalus is used as an overall tonic to help boost the immune system. It has anti-viral properties, and is safe for long-term use. Available in capsule form, take up to 5 500milligram capsules per day. It is also available as a tincture.

Echinacea - This popular herb helps improve the immune system. It can be taken as a tea, a tincture or in capsule form. Take for two weeks followed by a one-week break. If you are allergic to daisies beware that this is part of the daisy family.

Reishi - A traditional Chinese remedy, reishi has long been used to help fight inflammations, infections and allergies. It is also a strong antioxidant. The most common form is capsule. Take up to three 1,000milligram capsules two to three times per day.

Siberian ginseng - This helps bolster resistance to stress and increases adrenal function. In studies, it has been shown to increase the number of immune cells, helping stave off infections. Taken in capsule form, take up to 4500 milligrams per day.

Cold Sores

Cold sores are small blisters on the lips caused by the herpes simplex virus. They are often brought on by stress, and can last up to 14 days. While oral antiviral drugs may be prescribed by your doctor to lessen the effects, these have side effects of nausea and headaches. Repeated use of anti-viral drugs can cause viral resistance.

Lemon Balm - Lemon balm is an herb that helps to stop the spread of many viruses, including the herpes simplex virus. Lemon balm is often found as an ingredient in commercial creams. Apply to the affected area up to five times per day as needed. It is also available in capsule form and as a tea to be taken internally.

Licorice - Licorice is a natural anti-inflammatory and in studies has been shown to inactivate the herpes simplex virus. You can apply a licorice compress topically as often as needed. You may also take licorice internally in the form of tea or capsules. Do not use longer than 6 weeks at a time, and do not take if you have heart disease or high blood pressure.

Mullein - The healing properties of this plant helps fight the herpes viruses, and can also soothe irritated skin. You can take it internally, as a tea, or apply topically in a compress.

St.-John’s-Wort - St.-John’s-Wort contains the compound hypericin, which is known to help fight the herpes virus as well as to help heal wounds. Take 300-milligrams up to three times per day in capsule form. You can also drink tea made from steeping the dried herb. It can also be applied topically by making into a compress. Do not take internally if you are already taking a prescription anti-depressant.

Colds or the Flu

Colds and flu are often viral infections for which there is no cure. There are no drugs that can be taken as a preventative measure against the common cold. While there are many over the counter drugs available to treat the symptoms of colds and flu, you are often just as well off taking herbal remedies, which have fewer side effects.

Echinacea - Studies have shown that this herb can shorten the duration and lessen the severity of a cold. It does this by helping to stimulate the body’s own production of anti-viral substances and helps enhance the body’s immune cells, helping it better fight off cold germs. Often available in capsule form, take 900 milligrams of Echinacea per day.

Astragalus - This Chinese herb has immune-boosting properties, and also has anti-viral properties. Take Astragalus throughout the cold and flu season to help bolster your immune system to avoid getting colds. Commonly found in capsule form, take up to 3600 milligrams per day.

Elderberry - Elderberry has been found to have compounds that help fight the flu. Taken as soon as symptoms start, and continue taking it daily. Commercially available as syrups and lozenges, these can be taken as directed on the package. It is also available as tea, tincture and in capsule form.

Garlic - Garlic helps boost the immune system and fights bacteria and yeast. You can eat garlic in foods, but during cold season it is helpful to take a garlic supplement. It is readily available in capsule form. Take up to 5,000 micrograms per day.

Vitamins - Vitamin C and Zinc are known to help lessen the duration of colds as well as help keep the symptoms down. Take supplements in capsule form or in lozenge form during cold season and especially with the onset of any symptoms.


Constipation can happen to you when you have inadequate fluid or fiber intake. Laxatives are available over the counter. You can take an herbal laxative or use herbs to help your problem.

Psyllium seed - These seeds help provide proper fiber in order to keep your system working properly. Available as a powder, it can be added to liquids. Dissolve a tablespoon in an 8-ounce glass of water or juice and drink immediately. Follow with another glass of water. This should be taken daily.

Flaxseed - This is a bulking agent that provides a source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, something lacking in most diets. Mix one teaspoon of ground flaxseed in a glass of water or juice. You can take this up to three times per day.


Dandruff is an inflammation of the skin on the head, causing flaking and itching skin on the scalp. Often noticeable, it can be treated with herbal remedies to help keep the flaking to a minimum. Doctors are not sure what causes dandruff but it can flair up during stressful times as well as in the winter when the air is dry.

Evening Primrose - Evening primrose contains an oil that helps rashes as well as dandruff. You can rub the oil into the scalp to help keep the dry skin lubricated. You may also take it in capsule form, typically taking up to 10 capsules per day.

Flaxseed - This has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which has been known to help with rashes and dandruff. Usually taken internally, take 1 teaspoon per day. You can also rub flaxseed oil directly onto the scalp.

Tea Tree - Known for its anti-fungal properties, tea tree oil is used externally. Add it to evening primrose oil or flaxseed oil and rub the mixture into the scalp before bed. Leave it on overnight, then rinse out in the morning and wash your hair as usual.


Everyone suffers from some depression from time to time. Depression is a hopeless, sad feeling that doesn’t quickly go away. Depression may range from subtle to serious, and the more serious the depression, the more you need to seek medical help. If your depression is not severe, there are some herbal remedies that may help you. Do not take herbal cures while taking prescription medication and do not stop taking your medication unless directed to do so by your doctor.

St.-John’s-Wort - This herbal remedy is known for its use to treat depression. Studies have shown that the use of St.-John’s-Wort is often as effective as prescription medications and has fewer side effects. You must take this for up to two weeks to start to see the benefits. Take it in capsule form and follow the directions for use, or you can also take it as a tea. It can cause mild stomach upsets or rashes in some people.

Kava-Kava - This herb helps alleviate anxiety that often accompanies depression. It can be taken without the usual side-effects of prescription medication that makes people feel sedated. Taken in capsule form, take up to six 500-milligram capsules per day.

Oats - This plant helps with depression and stress and helps with your overall nervous system. It is the same plant used to make the oatmeal breakfast cereal. Available as a tea, drink up to 3 cups of tea per day.


Many things, such as virus or bacteria as well as food poisoning can cause diarrhea. Most diarrhea goes away on its own in a matter of a few days. If it lasts longer than a week or is very severe you should see a doctor. There are some herbal remedies that can be very effective in helping treat it.

Agrimony - Agrimony contains an astringent, which has drying properties in the bowel. Available as a tea, steep the dried herbs in hot water for 10 minutes. Then remove the herbs and drink the tea. You may drink up to 3 cups of tea per day as needed.

Blackberry and Raspberry Leaf - Another astringent, the roots of these plants can help relieve diarrhea. Taken as a tea, you can take up to 3 cups of tea per day.

Oregon Graperoot and Goldenseal - These related herbs contain berberine, which has been shown to be effective in treating the bacteria that can cause diarrhea. Available in capsule form, take up to 6 500milligram capsules per day.

Apples - Apples are a natural source of pectin, which is a very common anti-diarrhea remedy. Pectin is an ingredient in many over the counter remedies that helps add bulk. Eat apples or applesauce, but avoid apple juice as this tends to have the opposite effect.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are common in swimmers, thus a common name for one type of ear infection is “swimmer’s ear”. Ear infections are common in small children because their ear canals and tubes are not large enough to keep fluid from accumulating in them when they have a cold or flu. The accumulated mucus can become infected. Taking herbal cures instead of antibiotics can often help cure the infection. Besides taking herbs to help cure the infection, you can also try making some “swimmer’s drops” to put into the ear.

Echinacea - Taken internally, this ancient Chinese herb is known to help treat infections. You may take capsules or a tincture, and is also available as a tea. Note that you may be allergic to this herb if you are allergic to ragweed or other members of the aster family.

Astragalus - Another ancient Chinese remedy that is taken orally, astragalus is helpful in treating infections, and can be taken as a preventative remedy. Available as capsules or in tincture form, this is usually safe for children. For young children, check with the doctor before administering.

Oregon Graperoot - The berberine in Oregon Graperoot acts as a natural antibiotic. It is used to kill many types of bacteria. It is taken internally in capsule form, and you should follow the directions on the bottle. Do not take if you are pregnant.

Lemon Balm - A good-tasting herb, lemon balm is a natural anti-virus, bacteria fighting herb and is also used to help calm or soothe. Commonly available as a tea, drink up to 4 cups of tea per day.


Eczema is a dry skin condition that affects many adults and children. It occurs in patches that can become thick and red, and it can often occur in those with allergies such as hay fever. Topical creams can be applied to help the skin recover. Herbal remedies do not have the side effects that some prescriptions can have.

Licorice - The anti-inflammatory properties of licorice helps calm the skin when eczema flares up. It acts much like cortisol but without the side effects. It can be taken internally as a tea or externally by making a compress of the steeped herbs.

Burdock - Known to decrease inflammation, burdock is a traditional herb, which has been used for years to help skin disorders. Besides helping inflammation, it also contains insulin that helps the body fight off skin bacteria. Taken as a tea, drink up to 4 cups per day. It can also be used topically. Simmer the dried root in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and apply the cooled liquid to the affected skin area.

Echinacea - Echinacea is an American wildflower that has substances that can help fight infection as well as decrease inflammation. It can be found as a main ingredient in many prepared herbal skin crèmes.

Comfrey - Comfrey contains allantoin, an ingredient in many skin lotions. It soothes the skin and helps speed up healing. Apply as a salve or lotion. Do not use if pregnant.


Everyone feels fatigued from time to time. If you feel fatigue every day for long periods of time, you should consult with a physician, as this may be an underlying symptom of something else. If, however, you experience fatigue occasionally there are some herbal treatments that will help.

Siberian Ginseng - The properties of this herb help improve mental function. It also is thought to aid in the treatment of viral infections. Taken daily, this herb is safe for long-term use. Take in capsule form and follow the specific directions.

Chinese Ginseng - Similar to Siberian Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Some forms of this herb can be very strong so it is suggested that you start with low dosages of capsules and work up to larger doses if needed. Do not take if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant.

Licorice - Licorice increases energy and has anti-inflammatory properties, and is known to help the adrenal glands. Taken as a tea, do not take for longer than six weeks.

Astragalus - This traditional herb is used as an energy tonic. It is thought to strengthen the immune system and helps aid digestion. Drink up to 3 cups of tea per day or take in capsule form.


Very thorough! I followed you. :) Do you have any recommendations for a specific brand of essential oils?

I'm glad you liked my post. To answer your question, I use living young oils because my friend is a distributor.

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